Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bless Your Soul

B. Budgets (they help keep me on the straight and narrow)
L. Coffee (I cannot even begin to say how blessed I am that God chose to make coffee)
E. Memories (Panera will always make me think of B and road trips)
S. Music (that makes you wanna sing along because it speaks to you)
S. Books (man, do I LOVE to read)

p.s. I am not going to get around to blogging about a chapter of the WORD today. But I did want to let you guys know that I started reading 2 Peter. I encourage you to read chapter one. It's pretty amazing. I'll try to blog about both chapter 1 and 2 tomorrow. I have to cook for a picnic so I'll probably spend much of my day in the kitchen. And I'm going to bed now because Joe and I are getting up at 6:30 to go run/walk (I don't really run.... ;) haha).

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