Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah (that's how i feel... kinda)

So I'm being really bad at this whole blog about a chapter a day thing. I will get back on target tomorrow. I'm just really tired right now and the headache I've had all day is getting a bit stronger.

I need to tell you guys about the current guy problem I'm having; about the kitchen cabinets; and I'm sure there is other stuff I need to update you on, but I can't remember right now.


Food after a 2 hour bike ride.

Water - the stuff never taste so good as it does in the middle of a bike ride.

My God given ability to smell. Do you know how many wonderful smells there are in this world? The tiny bit of things I've been able to smell is just incredible. I'm very thankful for my nose.

Friends to bike with on lonely roads (Dad sees this as a blessing too. He doesn't care for me riding by myself).

Hot showers (need I say more?!)

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