Saturday, January 3, 2009

Last Day of My Life

Well, that's how I feel. So today I've done absolutely nothing. I read the book of the week, watched tv, checked my email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and that's about it. Oh, Anna and I did rearrange our room. It was time. We put the beds back together so now we have the bunk bed instead of two separate beds. Our room is much too small for two beds. We have so much more space with the bunk and I don't mind climbing up to the top. It's nice to have floor space to do yoga or whatever in MY bedroom.

Anyways, I think the reason I've done nothing is because I see my life getting very busy in the future... like next week future.. like Monday and not stopping at all. I'm beginning to get nervous.

I think the back of my brain is saying, "You won't have another day like this again. So enjoy doing nothing while you can." In fact, looking back at this past week, I haven't done much at all. I've showered like every other day (you may find that gross, but that's okay because it is; rest assured, I do usually shower every day), I haven't done my hair or really even put on make-up. Yeah, I haven't cared how I look or anything. But next week will be a completely different story: I'll shower every day, do my hair and make-up and I'll dress nicely. I'm going to love Saturdays! Do I hear a shout-out for downtime?! Yes sir. Saturdays will be comfy clothes (probably my pj's) and.... a good bit of time doing homework. Maybe Saturdays won't be so relaxing after all. Especially if I'm doing Pampered Chef shows. Speaking of which, I'm becoming a consultant for Pampered Chef. Wow. I'm feeling exhausted already.

Please pray for me. I'm over-thinking everything and because of that I'm kinda freaking out! haha. Who knew school and trying to start my own business would be so stressful even before it's all truly begun.

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