Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring, Summer and Fall

It has been 10 days since I last blogged. A lot has happened. I found out who CoolGuy is (I'm not telling right yet, so don't ask me!). I finished my first semester of college. And I'm already experiencing boredom from not having anything to do. I hate it.

Sooo.... CoolGuy is pretty amazing from what I know of him. We have been emailing for the last week. Things I've noticed about him in the last week: he rarely smiles in a picture. I think I make him so nervous inside that he just clams up (I can't decide if that is annoying or cute!). He is extremely laid back, calm, and he hides his emotions pretty well. He is an interesting guy; he's a cool guy! haha! I'm so lame.
He promised not to read my blog anymore so I could have my space to write whatever I wanted. Personally, I really appreciated that. I was shocked and amazed that he knew I needed my sounding board! Maybe I shouldn't have been so shocked, daddy says people can find out a whole lot about me just by reading my blog. :0

Finals. I only had two and they were both today, back to back. I think I did pretty good! I'm not scared of getting my results back so that should be a good thing. I miss school already. I don't like having nothing to do. I thrive on deadlines (I think). I'm looking forward to summer school. June 23rd! I am in learning support math (not my best subject apparently!) and I'm taking a health class.
In the fall I am taking Comp II, French II, American Government, weight training (whatever that is! my advisor asked if I wanted to and I said, sure!), Intro to PSYC, and if I pass the math support (which I will pass!), then College Algebra will be added to the schedule.

I am looking forward to painting during my summer break. My plans include the hallway and the dining room. I am trying with all my might to find a Ralph Lauren color I saw in a magazine a couple months ago. I saw the color, Creamy Copper, in the December 2008 Better Homes and Gardens, in January. I LOVE that color! I want to paint the hallway and I'm thinking half of the dining room wall the same color. I just think it's the perfect color to gracefully blend the living room (a deep, brick-ish red) and the bathroom (a bright violet). But Home Depot can't find it in their computers. If anyone has a copy of that magazine from December that they are willing to give up I would love to have it!
The dining room wall is separated into two sections and I think I would like to paint the bottom a dark brownish copper and the top the creamy copper (which is more of a gold color).
The hallway I want the entire thing to be the creamy copper. It doesn't have the greatest lighting, and I think the creamy copper because it's a kind of a metallic color it will glimmer and I think it will be very nice.
Sometime in the future my plan is to also paint the Kitchen. I'd like to paint it a blue color with brown/beige/tan-ish accents. The kitchen towels we have are blue and tan so I'd like to stick with that.

After I paint all of those rooms I'll be done. I would have painted every room in the house except Dad's bedroom and bath. I'm excited. I love painting. I love the smell.

I also want to plant a small garden during my free summer hours. I am hoping to do that before we leave on vacation. I would love to have fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and definitely watermelons this summer. I'd like to get in the habit of gardening year round, according to what is in season, but we'll see how that goes!


Anonymous said...

The Creamy Copper gold paint you are looking for is actually called "Parlor Gold RM34". Here is the link.

Lydia said...

Thanks Anony! I hope you'll stick around and comment some more. :)