Guess what I smelled this evening? *smiles* Honeysuckles. I love honeysuckles. They remind me of my childhood and growing up running through the backyard playing cowboy and indians with my siblings and having to stop for a honeysuckle snack.
It made me think of all the things I could never get tired of... like the smell of wood burning. This is the smell of men to me. I don't know why but when I smell its smokey haze I think of very masculine men and it makes me happy every time.
Salty ocean air. Oh, how I love the ocean. I love standing right on the edge and letting the water lick my toes and the sand draw my feet into its depths. I don't like to drink ocean water but I love the way it taste.
Roses. By far my favorite flower. I love them. They are beautiful. They remind me of myself. Sometimes I feel like I draw people in but I never let them get too close with my thorns to protect.
Rich, moist black dirt. I love walking barefoot in black dirt. It's soft and cold and makes me giggle like a little girl! I'm always careful though. I don't like the thought of stepping on a worm.
The morning dew or the air right after it has been raining. Everything is fresh. It beckons you to come outside and linger awhile in the morning light or the afternoon breeze.
Fireflies. They are some of the only good memories I have of growing up in Tennessee. Remember running in the cold evening grass and catching them in mason jars? Then we moved to GA and you rarely see them here. I miss them. Little fairies twinkling in the moonlight.
Other things that melt my heart and make me smile: The sun warming my skin. A hug from Jared. He makes my day. The moon begging for an audience. An email from Reid. Oh my word. I love that kid. He makes me laugh and I can't wait to hang out with him soon. Water racing over rocks. Spending a day talking about boys with Candace. I had a such a wonderful time. Driving with the windows down and the music up. Hearing my family talking, laughing or even arguing in the background. Comments on my blog - you have no idea how it warms my heart. Biking. I think I could do it all day. Time spent with Bethany. Knowing, believing and evening feeling how much God loves me.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
I'm supposed to be in bed right now... but that hasn't happened. I can't seem to make myself get in bed.
I totally overdosed on my allergy med today. What an experience. I didn't realize I had done it until after I had already taken the pills. Sudafed PE Sinus and Allergy... according to the back you are not supposed to exceed 6 tablets within a 24 hour period. I took 10 within a 3 - 4 hour period. My head. I can't even begin to explain how I felt. I was sooo tired. I felt dizzy and I had a headache. It was so strange. Definitely not anything I ever want to experience again. Not even sure if I'm still over it. I'm wondering because although I'm tired I don't really feel tired. That doesn't make sense. It is what I would imagine being drunk would feel like or a hangover. I haven't felt either but I can definitely imagine.
I know I've been talking a lot about boys but hey, I'm a girl, that's what we do! Today I have been thinking about African-American men. I think they are hot and the idea of having cappuccino babies makes me smile.
I still have no idea who CoolGuy is. I've tried finding out. My brother emailed him and through that I found out he likes me. But I already knew that... so that wasn't a surprise. I'm pretty sure he is still reading even though he doesn't comment. He says I act weird around him... so I don't think I'm around him that often. I'm not sure what he means by weird but I am really quiet around people I'm not comfortable with.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to be meeting a friend so we can go study together. I don't know if I want too. The more I think about it the more I'm not sure. I mean, I'm going because I said I would but... still. I don't like the idea of not having my car. And I don't understand why she doesn't want to go by herself. No offense to her but I love doing things by myself.
She makes me realize how independent and brazen I am. Compared to her I am. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death. I think she's amazing. I'm just really writing as it comes out so hopefully I won't offend anyone. But I love being independent. I would go crazy if I didn't do things by myself.
I'm going to test my PC party dessert on the Wednesday night crew. I haven't made this recipe before. I'm sure it won't be a problem but I do want to make it before next Saturday.
I hate not having tons of homework to do. I feel like I've done nothing productive today. I like the rush of a deadline. I like studying. I like having something to do! I'm ready for this semester to be over but yet I'm dreading summer because of the above. I think I'm going to paint and garden before the second session of classes (I have to take at least one class this summer). And hopefully do quite a few Pampered Chef parties.
I'm about to fall asleep so I'm going to go. Amazing. Blogging must relax me or something because I feel like I could fall over and sleep until noon. 7am here I come. I'm meeting my friend at 9 so I've got to have time to wake up (or I'll be grumpy), shower and make a protein shake. Yay me. *that was sarcasm* goodnight.
I totally overdosed on my allergy med today. What an experience. I didn't realize I had done it until after I had already taken the pills. Sudafed PE Sinus and Allergy... according to the back you are not supposed to exceed 6 tablets within a 24 hour period. I took 10 within a 3 - 4 hour period. My head. I can't even begin to explain how I felt. I was sooo tired. I felt dizzy and I had a headache. It was so strange. Definitely not anything I ever want to experience again. Not even sure if I'm still over it. I'm wondering because although I'm tired I don't really feel tired. That doesn't make sense. It is what I would imagine being drunk would feel like or a hangover. I haven't felt either but I can definitely imagine.
I know I've been talking a lot about boys but hey, I'm a girl, that's what we do! Today I have been thinking about African-American men. I think they are hot and the idea of having cappuccino babies makes me smile.
I still have no idea who CoolGuy is. I've tried finding out. My brother emailed him and through that I found out he likes me. But I already knew that... so that wasn't a surprise. I'm pretty sure he is still reading even though he doesn't comment. He says I act weird around him... so I don't think I'm around him that often. I'm not sure what he means by weird but I am really quiet around people I'm not comfortable with.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to be meeting a friend so we can go study together. I don't know if I want too. The more I think about it the more I'm not sure. I mean, I'm going because I said I would but... still. I don't like the idea of not having my car. And I don't understand why she doesn't want to go by herself. No offense to her but I love doing things by myself.
She makes me realize how independent and brazen I am. Compared to her I am. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death. I think she's amazing. I'm just really writing as it comes out so hopefully I won't offend anyone. But I love being independent. I would go crazy if I didn't do things by myself.
I'm going to test my PC party dessert on the Wednesday night crew. I haven't made this recipe before. I'm sure it won't be a problem but I do want to make it before next Saturday.
I hate not having tons of homework to do. I feel like I've done nothing productive today. I like the rush of a deadline. I like studying. I like having something to do! I'm ready for this semester to be over but yet I'm dreading summer because of the above. I think I'm going to paint and garden before the second session of classes (I have to take at least one class this summer). And hopefully do quite a few Pampered Chef parties.
I'm about to fall asleep so I'm going to go. Amazing. Blogging must relax me or something because I feel like I could fall over and sleep until noon. 7am here I come. I'm meeting my friend at 9 so I've got to have time to wake up (or I'll be grumpy), shower and make a protein shake. Yay me. *that was sarcasm* goodnight.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
This is my dish. It's part of my set for whenever I have my own home. I've never used it before. I'm not even going to eat off it tonight. I just love it and wanted to use it for my photo shoot!
Here is what it really looks like. I love brown.
I cooked supper for the first time in forever! Don't you want to know what's under the foil and lid?!
Garlic bread. I have started buying bread from the bakery section of the grocery store. It doesn't cost that much more and it taste 100% better! I sliced the bread. Crushed some garlic into my butter and then melted it a bit. Brushed in on the bread and stuck it in the oven.
I made home-made creamed corn. One of my favorite ways to eat corn. I had a bag of frozen corn so I dumped it in a pot, poured some fresh cream (skimmed it off the milk myself!), a bit of sugar and cornstarch to thicken it, and some salt and pepper.
Baked sweet potatoes! Need I say more?! I love sweet potatoes!
Eh. Green beans. Who cares?! I just needed something green for my family to eat. I'm not a fan... can you tell?
A little too much liquid. I'm always afraid of burning the bottom. Oh well. This flounder will have a bit of a kick to it. It is coated with paprika and black pepper with lemon juice for the liquid.
The food and model plate! I haven't eaten yet and I'm starving! It looks sooo good!
I haven't cooked much since starting college. But every now and then I get in the mood to cook! I love cooking and making stuff from scratch! Feast your eyes on this while I go feast it literally!
Freakin' Amazing Size 8!
Updates. Don't you just love updates?!
First, I am not going to Toccoa in the fall. My dear ol' dad figured out that I can save over $3,000 if I go to MGC instead and then transfer to TFC in the spring. So that is currently my plan.
Secondly, I am wearing size 8 jeans right now. That probably doesn't mean squat to you but it mean a whole zut much to me (yes, zut is a word). I haven't been a size 8 in over two years. Before my mom passed away I was a size 8 and had been for years. Actually from the time I was 12 until I was 17, 18 I wore the same clothing. I hated shopping with a passion and I hated getting rid of my clothing plus I didn't gain any weight during my teens (besides the natural filling out girls do while going through puberty). Man, I can remember the shopping trip I took at 18 because I had finally gotten to the point where I couldn't wear the little girls size 18 jeans. I went to a size 6 or 8 in juniors/womens and could occasionally fit into a 4. Anyways, the point of all that (besides reliving my glory days of being super skinny!) was to say that after mom passed away I gained weight like a mad woman. This past August I was a size 14. I decided at that point that I was going to lose weight. I have no idea how much I weighed because I most certainly did not step on that scale! But I have lost 10 pounds since January (the scale doesn't scare me anymore!) and am now in a size 8!
What am I doing? Biking about once a week for an hour or more (I like to go an hour and a half to two hours) and then the past two weeks I've been "eating" protein shakes for lunch. I know that took off the last inch or two that I needed to get off in order to fit into my jeans. And I've really cut back on the sugar and the dairy products (I haven't cut it out it completely; gotta have that Starbucks sometimes!). I don't know if cutting back on the dairy has had something to do with it or not. But I bought these jeans on the way to bridal shower and even though I could get them on they were too tight for the public and now I'm wearing them around town!
I'm doing the protein shakes in order to prepare my body for a cleanse I'm going to do after finals (May 5th!). All you do is drink a combination of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and grade B maple syrup when ever you are hungry. This is supposed to clean you out! As I've heard it said, "Since we wash the outside of our bodies it only makes sense to clean the inside." I am a firm believer in cleaning the inside as well as the outside (physically and spiritually!) I think next week I am going to slowly cut out my meals and just do an 8oz protein shake about every 3-4 hours. That would be one at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm and then if I need one later in the evening I'll do that too. I don't want to throw my body into shock when I start the cleanse. So I'm trying to give it a heads up!
Oh, in case you are wondering, I've been making my protein shakes with raw milk (thanks to a very good friend for the milk! Jesse, you are amazing even if you do pick on me!)
I don't want to seem stupid but I have no idea how this works. At the end of the semester how will I find out what my final grades are? I've been keeping up with all of my grades as far as essays, projects, quizzes, etc. but how will I know what my GPA is? I know those were probably stupidest questions ever but give me a break. I was home schooled and did not have report cards and this is my first semester so I have no idea what I'm doing!
If you had to guess (this is purely for my own amusement... and maybe so I can analyze) what would you say my "type" (for a guy) would be? I'm just curious.
Can I just say that I freakin' adore RG?! In the past six years God has given me three big brothers and they just keep getting better! RG is incredible. I am so thankful he doesn't mind my crazy questions. Or the fact that he doesn't get offended if I confront him (which has happened many times!) I love that he is so stinkin' honest with me. I'm thankful he takes time for me. I really feel like his little sis. I love having a guy friend who is just that: a friend. And the fact he told Candace last night that he enjoys/appreciates/likes (I can't remember exactly what she said he said) that I talk to him about my guy problems warms my heart because sometimes I feel like a complete idiot! I am beyond thankful for his friendship, his encouragement, his leadership, and his willingness to help when I need someone. He is a true blessing in my life. RG, you are wonderful my friend.
I have to go. The bro has a baseball game and I have to drop him off. I'll try to post again soon!
First, I am not going to Toccoa in the fall. My dear ol' dad figured out that I can save over $3,000 if I go to MGC instead and then transfer to TFC in the spring. So that is currently my plan.
Secondly, I am wearing size 8 jeans right now. That probably doesn't mean squat to you but it mean a whole zut much to me (yes, zut is a word). I haven't been a size 8 in over two years. Before my mom passed away I was a size 8 and had been for years. Actually from the time I was 12 until I was 17, 18 I wore the same clothing. I hated shopping with a passion and I hated getting rid of my clothing plus I didn't gain any weight during my teens (besides the natural filling out girls do while going through puberty). Man, I can remember the shopping trip I took at 18 because I had finally gotten to the point where I couldn't wear the little girls size 18 jeans. I went to a size 6 or 8 in juniors/womens and could occasionally fit into a 4. Anyways, the point of all that (besides reliving my glory days of being super skinny!) was to say that after mom passed away I gained weight like a mad woman. This past August I was a size 14. I decided at that point that I was going to lose weight. I have no idea how much I weighed because I most certainly did not step on that scale! But I have lost 10 pounds since January (the scale doesn't scare me anymore!) and am now in a size 8!
What am I doing? Biking about once a week for an hour or more (I like to go an hour and a half to two hours) and then the past two weeks I've been "eating" protein shakes for lunch. I know that took off the last inch or two that I needed to get off in order to fit into my jeans. And I've really cut back on the sugar and the dairy products (I haven't cut it out it completely; gotta have that Starbucks sometimes!). I don't know if cutting back on the dairy has had something to do with it or not. But I bought these jeans on the way to bridal shower and even though I could get them on they were too tight for the public and now I'm wearing them around town!
I'm doing the protein shakes in order to prepare my body for a cleanse I'm going to do after finals (May 5th!). All you do is drink a combination of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and grade B maple syrup when ever you are hungry. This is supposed to clean you out! As I've heard it said, "Since we wash the outside of our bodies it only makes sense to clean the inside." I am a firm believer in cleaning the inside as well as the outside (physically and spiritually!) I think next week I am going to slowly cut out my meals and just do an 8oz protein shake about every 3-4 hours. That would be one at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm and then if I need one later in the evening I'll do that too. I don't want to throw my body into shock when I start the cleanse. So I'm trying to give it a heads up!
Oh, in case you are wondering, I've been making my protein shakes with raw milk (thanks to a very good friend for the milk! Jesse, you are amazing even if you do pick on me!)
I don't want to seem stupid but I have no idea how this works. At the end of the semester how will I find out what my final grades are? I've been keeping up with all of my grades as far as essays, projects, quizzes, etc. but how will I know what my GPA is? I know those were probably stupidest questions ever but give me a break. I was home schooled and did not have report cards and this is my first semester so I have no idea what I'm doing!
If you had to guess (this is purely for my own amusement... and maybe so I can analyze) what would you say my "type" (for a guy) would be? I'm just curious.
Can I just say that I freakin' adore RG?! In the past six years God has given me three big brothers and they just keep getting better! RG is incredible. I am so thankful he doesn't mind my crazy questions. Or the fact that he doesn't get offended if I confront him (which has happened many times!) I love that he is so stinkin' honest with me. I'm thankful he takes time for me. I really feel like his little sis. I love having a guy friend who is just that: a friend. And the fact he told Candace last night that he enjoys/appreciates/likes (I can't remember exactly what she said he said) that I talk to him about my guy problems warms my heart because sometimes I feel like a complete idiot! I am beyond thankful for his friendship, his encouragement, his leadership, and his willingness to help when I need someone. He is a true blessing in my life. RG, you are wonderful my friend.
I have to go. The bro has a baseball game and I have to drop him off. I'll try to post again soon!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Men + Stupidity = Jerks
I feel like crap. I can't believe I fell for it. I mean seriously. I have only ever attracted man-ho's so why should I think this would be real?
I feel worthless. unworthy. unwanted. ugly.
I'm not blaming him. I'm not mad at him. I don't understand him. Part of me wonders if it's because he thinks I'm too good. I don't know.
Can I just say that I'm glad he feels like a jerk? Because I am. I'm very glad.
Good night. Guys. Don't be stupid. If you truly only like a girl as a friend don't tell her something that will make her think differently.
Maybe I was wrong. I could see and hear how insecure he felt and I just wanted to help build his self-esteem.
I'm going to work on not being so nice. I feel walls being built. I will be on guard even more.
Maybe I'm a bit mad. But I think at myself and the male species in general more than him.
I'm going to pamper myself. My feet could use a good soak. And I might take a shower. I went for a bike ride earlier and I stink. I'm just worried about my hair looking crazy tomorrow morning when I get up for class. Alright. I'm out. I feel exhausted. I hope you guys are having a better week than I am. Encouragement in any form would be greatly appreciated.
I feel worthless. unworthy. unwanted. ugly.
I'm not blaming him. I'm not mad at him. I don't understand him. Part of me wonders if it's because he thinks I'm too good. I don't know.
Can I just say that I'm glad he feels like a jerk? Because I am. I'm very glad.
Good night. Guys. Don't be stupid. If you truly only like a girl as a friend don't tell her something that will make her think differently.
Maybe I was wrong. I could see and hear how insecure he felt and I just wanted to help build his self-esteem.
I'm going to work on not being so nice. I feel walls being built. I will be on guard even more.
Maybe I'm a bit mad. But I think at myself and the male species in general more than him.
I'm going to pamper myself. My feet could use a good soak. And I might take a shower. I went for a bike ride earlier and I stink. I'm just worried about my hair looking crazy tomorrow morning when I get up for class. Alright. I'm out. I feel exhausted. I hope you guys are having a better week than I am. Encouragement in any form would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Are You a Man or a Mouse?
In response to CoolGuy's question about God bring your mate vs. guys pursing girls... hold on. Let me reread so I remember exactly what I'm answering!
Personally, I think the idea of God bringing your mate to you while you sit around doing nothing is stupid. I'm not saying it can't happen that way (because it most certainly can; God can do anything He wants) but what I am saying is by saying and believing that it takes all responsibility away from the guy to actually do something. I'm going to be addressing guys because they are the ones that are supposed to start the relationship.
Let's go back to where this line of thinking started (this is always the scripture people use to back up this nonsense). Please open your Bible to Genesis 24. This is about Isaac and Rebekah. Two problems I immediately see with using this story to back up "waiting around".
1. Abraham decides when Isaac will marry.
2. Neither Isaac or Rebekah know who they are marrying... they just know they are getting married.
Okay. So clearly guys who agree with this "God will bring my future mate to me. I just have to wait on Him" stuff either haven't thought about it much at all or they just really want their daddy picking out their wife.
From what I know (which I admit is precious little) arranged marriages were how marriage was "done" in Biblical times. The Father chose the bride for the groom. The fathers of the bride and the groom got together to talk about it. They either decide they want to go ahead with the marriage or they chose not to. The fathers arranged the marriage.
That has nothing to do with you sitting on your butt waiting for God to bring you a wife.
Secondly, very few marriages that start with the couple barely knowing each other actually last. Yes, some arranged, "wouldn't know you if I passed you on the street" marriages do work. But are they best? Is that what you want in a marriage (going based on this scripture!)?
The story of how God brings Isaac and Rebekah is no doubt a beautiful story. But I think it's incredibly lame to use that as an excuse not to search for your future wife.
Let me turn you to Proverbs. Let's see... there are so many good ones. But let's start with the most obvious. Proverbs 18:22 "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord."
Wow. Did you catch that one word? FINDS. How do you find things? You search for them!
Turn to Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter."
Is having a wife of importance to you? Then search it out! God in His amazing glory has concealed and it is your glory to search for Him and your future wife.
Now on Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies."
Once again we have the word find. Finding... searching... finding... Hello! Do we see what is going on here?! It's a call for guys to search. To find the one they've been waiting for. If you don't search and pursue how will you find and catch?! When you do find your woman you are going to have to pursue and capture her heart so get a head start and find her already!
Seek the Lord with all of your heart, mind and soul. Seek your wife by searching out God and His desires for your life. Keep your heart and eyes wide open. You never know where you might meet her and you certainly don't want to be sitting around doing nothing while some other guy comes around and swoops her off like a chickenhawk! Macocoo take me away! (those of you who have seen the Pirate will appreciate that!)
Seriously guys. There is call for you to search, to find and to pursue. There are so many girls waiting for guys to step up and be men. Don't assume you know what will happen when you don't. You don't hold the future. The Lord does. So don't live in fear! Get out there and be a man! Please stop being mice.
Personally, I think the idea of God bringing your mate to you while you sit around doing nothing is stupid. I'm not saying it can't happen that way (because it most certainly can; God can do anything He wants) but what I am saying is by saying and believing that it takes all responsibility away from the guy to actually do something. I'm going to be addressing guys because they are the ones that are supposed to start the relationship.
Let's go back to where this line of thinking started (this is always the scripture people use to back up this nonsense). Please open your Bible to Genesis 24. This is about Isaac and Rebekah. Two problems I immediately see with using this story to back up "waiting around".
1. Abraham decides when Isaac will marry.
2. Neither Isaac or Rebekah know who they are marrying... they just know they are getting married.
Okay. So clearly guys who agree with this "God will bring my future mate to me. I just have to wait on Him" stuff either haven't thought about it much at all or they just really want their daddy picking out their wife.
From what I know (which I admit is precious little) arranged marriages were how marriage was "done" in Biblical times. The Father chose the bride for the groom. The fathers of the bride and the groom got together to talk about it. They either decide they want to go ahead with the marriage or they chose not to. The fathers arranged the marriage.
That has nothing to do with you sitting on your butt waiting for God to bring you a wife.
Secondly, very few marriages that start with the couple barely knowing each other actually last. Yes, some arranged, "wouldn't know you if I passed you on the street" marriages do work. But are they best? Is that what you want in a marriage (going based on this scripture!)?
The story of how God brings Isaac and Rebekah is no doubt a beautiful story. But I think it's incredibly lame to use that as an excuse not to search for your future wife.
Let me turn you to Proverbs. Let's see... there are so many good ones. But let's start with the most obvious. Proverbs 18:22 "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord."
Wow. Did you catch that one word? FINDS. How do you find things? You search for them!
Turn to Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter."
Is having a wife of importance to you? Then search it out! God in His amazing glory has concealed and it is your glory to search for Him and your future wife.
Now on Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies."
Once again we have the word find. Finding... searching... finding... Hello! Do we see what is going on here?! It's a call for guys to search. To find the one they've been waiting for. If you don't search and pursue how will you find and catch?! When you do find your woman you are going to have to pursue and capture her heart so get a head start and find her already!
Seek the Lord with all of your heart, mind and soul. Seek your wife by searching out God and His desires for your life. Keep your heart and eyes wide open. You never know where you might meet her and you certainly don't want to be sitting around doing nothing while some other guy comes around and swoops her off like a chickenhawk! Macocoo take me away! (those of you who have seen the Pirate will appreciate that!)
Seriously guys. There is call for you to search, to find and to pursue. There are so many girls waiting for guys to step up and be men. Don't assume you know what will happen when you don't. You don't hold the future. The Lord does. So don't live in fear! Get out there and be a man! Please stop being mice.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Chop, Chop, Chew, *spews out of mouth while chewing with mouth open*
I am trying to study. But I can't concentrate. There are people chopping on chips and it's really getting on my nerves right now. Anyone who knows me well knows I can't stand the sound of people chewing. I've gotten better about ignoring it but it still bothers me. I seriously had to stop myself from telling this lady to tell her kids to chew with their mouths closed. I mean come on! Don't we teach manners to children anymore?! It's nasty people! CHEW WITH YOUR STINKIN' MOUTHS CLOSED!!!! It's not even that hard!
Wow. I feel much better. It was/is driving me bonkers. I've got my headphones in and Dave is blaring in my ears. Gotta love some Dave Barnes. Especially when you are irritated. He makes everything better.
I've been people watching. That is one of my favorite things to do. I love watching faces. And to see what makes people smile, frown, etc. And there are always so many different people here. I also like listening to other people's conversations. Definitely another favorite thing to do. I'm beginning to realize I have lots of favorites. :)
I think since I'm in Wartown I'm gonna go to Starbucks later. I left because Joe was mad at me and I didn't want to be around his bad attitude anymore. All I did was ask him to unclog the bathroom sink because it's not draining and I'm sick of it. He was the only boy around and so I asked him... well, I demanded he do something about it. So he got mad. Oh well. Who cares.
I had two different guys call me "pet" names today. That was a first in a long time. One called me "Love" more than twice and the other called me "Hun". haha. They are funny kids so it's cool. And one of them asked me if I was dating RG. Do you know how long it's been since I've done anything with RG?! Months. Since we were snowed in in Athens at least. I haven't been going to the BCM Bible study with him. I've barely seen him since the beginning of March so I don't know why people (still) think we are "together". We are not together. Although he is supposed to call me later today. But he probably won't. He never calls when he says he will.
I ate chili beans, turkey sausage and kale cooked in the cast iron skillet for lunch. It was actually pretty nasty. Marianna said I needed to be out on the trail, with a wagon cooking over a fire like a pioneer woman. :) She's so funny.
Alright, I'm going to try to get back on the French. We'll see how well that goes. I think I may need to go some place people aren't eating. Or I just may go home. I told J-Mar I might go to the Hanger. I haven't made up my mind yet. J-Mar is so sweet. He makes me happy. Okay, I'm done.
*Edit: I have never been with RG. I've just had people ask me in the past if we were dating. That's one of the reasons I stopped doing so much with him... because I was sick of it. He would never date me so stop asking people. It's beginning to be really nerve racking.
Wow. I feel much better. It was/is driving me bonkers. I've got my headphones in and Dave is blaring in my ears. Gotta love some Dave Barnes. Especially when you are irritated. He makes everything better.
I've been people watching. That is one of my favorite things to do. I love watching faces. And to see what makes people smile, frown, etc. And there are always so many different people here. I also like listening to other people's conversations. Definitely another favorite thing to do. I'm beginning to realize I have lots of favorites. :)
I think since I'm in Wartown I'm gonna go to Starbucks later. I left because Joe was mad at me and I didn't want to be around his bad attitude anymore. All I did was ask him to unclog the bathroom sink because it's not draining and I'm sick of it. He was the only boy around and so I asked him... well, I demanded he do something about it. So he got mad. Oh well. Who cares.
I had two different guys call me "pet" names today. That was a first in a long time. One called me "Love" more than twice and the other called me "Hun". haha. They are funny kids so it's cool. And one of them asked me if I was dating RG. Do you know how long it's been since I've done anything with RG?! Months. Since we were snowed in in Athens at least. I haven't been going to the BCM Bible study with him. I've barely seen him since the beginning of March so I don't know why people (still) think we are "together". We are not together. Although he is supposed to call me later today. But he probably won't. He never calls when he says he will.
I ate chili beans, turkey sausage and kale cooked in the cast iron skillet for lunch. It was actually pretty nasty. Marianna said I needed to be out on the trail, with a wagon cooking over a fire like a pioneer woman. :) She's so funny.
Alright, I'm going to try to get back on the French. We'll see how well that goes. I think I may need to go some place people aren't eating. Or I just may go home. I told J-Mar I might go to the Hanger. I haven't made up my mind yet. J-Mar is so sweet. He makes me happy. Okay, I'm done.
*Edit: I have never been with RG. I've just had people ask me in the past if we were dating. That's one of the reasons I stopped doing so much with him... because I was sick of it. He would never date me so stop asking people. It's beginning to be really nerve racking.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Makes My Heart Melt
I'm not used to not having a comment from CoolGuy when I get up in the morning... so it was very disappointing this morning when I checked my email and didn't have one. That's a hint! lol ;)
I'm doing a speech on Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized Milk and have decided to cut all dairy out of my diet. My family eats a lot of dairy. So for lunch I'm eating oatmeal with peanut butter, raisins and raw almonds. And then I have some raisins, almonds and peanut butter on a plate. It's not that good but it's what I'm eating. My siblings are afraid I'm going to make them starve. Of course, I'm not going to do that. I'm just cutting it out of my personal diet. So unless it's certified organic (raw) milk/dairy products I'm not going to eat or drink it.
Tonight I am going to hang out with a bunch of Libertarians. Trying to put myself in more social circles than what I'm currently in.... It should be interesting. I'm excited about it.
Well, I need to finish lunch (ha! I don't even know if you could call it lunch... it wasn't very filling... I'm going to have to work on that if I'm going to keep eating this way... which I am going to continue.) and then start some research for my English essay. The first draft is due tomorrow and while I've got that completed I would like to add a few more things.
Oh! But wait! I've been listening to quite a bit of country music lately. Have you guys heard the latest from the Zac Brown Band Whatever It Is?! I love this song. Read the lyrics. I have a favorite part.
She's got eyes that cut you like a
knife and
lips that taste like sweet red wine
And pretty legs go to heaven every time
She got a gentle way that puts me at ease
When she walks in the room I can hardly breathe
Got a devastating smile knock a grown man to his knees
She's got whatever it is
It blows me away
She's everything I wanted to say to a woman
but couldn't find the words to say
She's got whatever it is
I don't know what to do
Because every time I try and tell her how I feel
it comes out "I love you"
You got whatever it is
You know I've never been the type that would ever want to
Bring 'em home at night and they're gone the next day
But that all changed when she walked into my life
People ask me what it is
I tell them I don't know
Just something about the woman makes my heart go haywire
She's gonna be my wife
She's got whatever it is
It blows me away
She's everything I wanted to say to a woman
but couldn't find the words to say
She's got whatever it is
I don't know what to do
Because every time I try and tell her how I feel
it comes out "I love you"
You got whatever it is
When she loves me
Girl that's how I feel
When she loves me I'm on top of the world
Because when she loves me I can live forever
When she loves me I am untouchable
She's got whatever it is
It blows me away
She's everything I wanted to say to a woman
but couldn't find the words to say
She's got whatever it is
I don't know what to do
Because every time I try and tell her how I feel
it comes out "I love you"
You got whatever it is
Okay so the last bridge (I think that's what music savvy people call it) is my favorite part. I want my husband to feel like he is untouchable because I am by his side. That part makes my heart melt! I am such a romantic! haha!
I'm doing a speech on Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized Milk and have decided to cut all dairy out of my diet. My family eats a lot of dairy. So for lunch I'm eating oatmeal with peanut butter, raisins and raw almonds. And then I have some raisins, almonds and peanut butter on a plate. It's not that good but it's what I'm eating. My siblings are afraid I'm going to make them starve. Of course, I'm not going to do that. I'm just cutting it out of my personal diet. So unless it's certified organic (raw) milk/dairy products I'm not going to eat or drink it.
Tonight I am going to hang out with a bunch of Libertarians. Trying to put myself in more social circles than what I'm currently in.... It should be interesting. I'm excited about it.
Well, I need to finish lunch (ha! I don't even know if you could call it lunch... it wasn't very filling... I'm going to have to work on that if I'm going to keep eating this way... which I am going to continue.) and then start some research for my English essay. The first draft is due tomorrow and while I've got that completed I would like to add a few more things.
Oh! But wait! I've been listening to quite a bit of country music lately. Have you guys heard the latest from the Zac Brown Band Whatever It Is?! I love this song. Read the lyrics. I have a favorite part.
She's got eyes that cut you like a
knife and
lips that taste like sweet red wine
And pretty legs go to heaven every time
She got a gentle way that puts me at ease
When she walks in the room I can hardly breathe
Got a devastating smile knock a grown man to his knees
She's got whatever it is
It blows me away
She's everything I wanted to say to a woman
but couldn't find the words to say
She's got whatever it is
I don't know what to do
Because every time I try and tell her how I feel
it comes out "I love you"
You got whatever it is
You know I've never been the type that would ever want to
Bring 'em home at night and they're gone the next day
But that all changed when she walked into my life
People ask me what it is
I tell them I don't know
Just something about the woman makes my heart go haywire
She's gonna be my wife
She's got whatever it is
It blows me away
She's everything I wanted to say to a woman
but couldn't find the words to say
She's got whatever it is
I don't know what to do
Because every time I try and tell her how I feel
it comes out "I love you"
You got whatever it is
When she loves me
Girl that's how I feel
When she loves me I'm on top of the world
Because when she loves me I can live forever
When she loves me I am untouchable
She's got whatever it is
It blows me away
She's everything I wanted to say to a woman
but couldn't find the words to say
She's got whatever it is
I don't know what to do
Because every time I try and tell her how I feel
it comes out "I love you"
You got whatever it is
Okay so the last bridge (I think that's what music savvy people call it) is my favorite part. I want my husband to feel like he is untouchable because I am by his side. That part makes my heart melt! I am such a romantic! haha!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Oh My, Oh My
Goodness. I am beyond stinkin' tired. Do you ever feel like cussing for no reason? Well, sometimes I do. Now is one of those times. I think it's because I'm so tired... I don't know. I'm tired of the rain.
Thursday I came home from classes packed and showered (completely dressed, hair and makeup done!) in an hour and then left for Toccoa. Stayed up late chatting with Bethany and Audrey (she is amazing! I love her!). By late I mean 11:30pm. I never stay up that late! Got up at 6 maybe 7am I don't remember. But we left by 8... I think. I can't remember. My brain is shot! I drove well over 22 hours in three days. Anyways, got to TN, hung out at their house for a while and then went to the dress rehearsal stayed up late again (did I mention that the time changes so my head was all messed up!). Saturday was the wedding. It was long, but fun. After the wedding and reception we stayed to clean up. It was cool. Then Sunday I drove another 10 hours home. Insane!!!
I didn't have my tea date with Miah. I hated it. I wanted to hang out with him so badly and more than just during the rehearsal and wedding. Which was tons of fun but I realized that, uh... there is no way I could see him as a brother. I haven't spent that much time with him in years and he has grown into an incredibly hott young man. Yeah. I just said that. So since schedules were crazy we're going to have our tea date next time I'm up there. If he didn't have a girlfriend I'd so be crushing...
I found out who CoolGuy is... and was very surprised! I would have never guessed. But it's cool (no pun intended). I've enjoyed "getting to know" CoolGuy through my blog. Sorry I missed you today but I left early because I had tons of homework.
Well, I'm going to finish getting ready for bed. My teeth need to be brushed. To my Girls - CoolGuy is right. You should comment! It would make my day!
Thursday I came home from classes packed and showered (completely dressed, hair and makeup done!) in an hour and then left for Toccoa. Stayed up late chatting with Bethany and Audrey (she is amazing! I love her!). By late I mean 11:30pm. I never stay up that late! Got up at 6 maybe 7am I don't remember. But we left by 8... I think. I can't remember. My brain is shot! I drove well over 22 hours in three days. Anyways, got to TN, hung out at their house for a while and then went to the dress rehearsal stayed up late again (did I mention that the time changes so my head was all messed up!). Saturday was the wedding. It was long, but fun. After the wedding and reception we stayed to clean up. It was cool. Then Sunday I drove another 10 hours home. Insane!!!
I didn't have my tea date with Miah. I hated it. I wanted to hang out with him so badly and more than just during the rehearsal and wedding. Which was tons of fun but I realized that, uh... there is no way I could see him as a brother. I haven't spent that much time with him in years and he has grown into an incredibly hott young man. Yeah. I just said that. So since schedules were crazy we're going to have our tea date next time I'm up there. If he didn't have a girlfriend I'd so be crushing...
I found out who CoolGuy is... and was very surprised! I would have never guessed. But it's cool (no pun intended). I've enjoyed "getting to know" CoolGuy through my blog. Sorry I missed you today but I left early because I had tons of homework.
Well, I'm going to finish getting ready for bed. My teeth need to be brushed. To my Girls - CoolGuy is right. You should comment! It would make my day!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I am very glad CoolGuy is going to continue commenting... But I have to admit I busted out laughing when I read his last comment and I quote, "so don't try getting anymore clues out of me lol" end quote. Laugh out loud is right. I have an idea of how long he's been reading my blog but for all the reading he's done on me and my interesting life (maybe?) he doesn't know me very well...
I am the most curious person I know. Did you know CoolGuy that I once crawled Army style in my woods so I could find out what my neighbors were building in their backyard? I didn't know them and I didn't want to walk up to their front door and say, "Hey! I'm Lydia. Your neighbor from over yonder and I'd like to know what you are banging on in your backyard." Uhhh... that would have been awkward!
Plus I love solving mysteries and you are definitely a mystery. So I'm going to continue asking questions. You don't have to answer but it would be nice if you would leave a clue once in a while!
Tomorrow I'm driving to TN. Fun. More completely packed highways. I forgot my CD's too. But I've been rocking to the XM radio. Love that thing. Favorite songs on the radio right now... Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas (by the way I love actual black eyed peas. They are really good). Right Around by Flo Rida. I'm beginning to like I Love College by Asher Roth (if I have more than one little girl I want to name one of them Asher; weird I know. But I like it as a girls name). Day 'n' Nite by Kid Cudi. The Fear by Lily Allen. Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band. That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings (this song cracks me up!!). Paralyzer by Finger Eleven (Oh my word! I could listen to this song ALL day! Definitely my favorite right now).
Gotta run. B's off work. Enjoy the list of all the heathen music I rock out to in the van. I dance in the car. Is that weird?!
I am the most curious person I know. Did you know CoolGuy that I once crawled Army style in my woods so I could find out what my neighbors were building in their backyard? I didn't know them and I didn't want to walk up to their front door and say, "Hey! I'm Lydia. Your neighbor from over yonder and I'd like to know what you are banging on in your backyard." Uhhh... that would have been awkward!
Plus I love solving mysteries and you are definitely a mystery. So I'm going to continue asking questions. You don't have to answer but it would be nice if you would leave a clue once in a while!
Tomorrow I'm driving to TN. Fun. More completely packed highways. I forgot my CD's too. But I've been rocking to the XM radio. Love that thing. Favorite songs on the radio right now... Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas (by the way I love actual black eyed peas. They are really good). Right Around by Flo Rida. I'm beginning to like I Love College by Asher Roth (if I have more than one little girl I want to name one of them Asher; weird I know. But I like it as a girls name). Day 'n' Nite by Kid Cudi. The Fear by Lily Allen. Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band. That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings (this song cracks me up!!). Paralyzer by Finger Eleven (Oh my word! I could listen to this song ALL day! Definitely my favorite right now).
Gotta run. B's off work. Enjoy the list of all the heathen music I rock out to in the van. I dance in the car. Is that weird?!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Definitely Not Perfect
Okay, so it may have seemed like I was mad at CoolGuy earlier. I really wasn't... but sometimes it's easier to be mad than it is to be sad. Does that make sense?
If not then I'm sorry. I'm definitely not perfect so give me a break.
I'm off to the Bible study. CoolGuy, you should continue commenting. Or at least tell me who you are. You have options. You can email me... or facebook me or something. Just don't leave me hanging.
If not then I'm sorry. I'm definitely not perfect so give me a break.
I'm off to the Bible study. CoolGuy, you should continue commenting. Or at least tell me who you are. You have options. You can email me... or facebook me or something. Just don't leave me hanging.
And Now I Wanna Cry
I can't believe it. I have no idea who CoolGuy is and trust me I've tried finding out... I've been through every guy on my friends list on Facebook (well, the ones who aren't in a relationship) and I can't figure it out at all.
My word CoolGuy. I don't even know what to say. I know you are probably still reading my blog. I just can't believe you are going to not ever comment again.
Panic struck me when I read your comment. Yes, panic. I have enjoyed your comments so much and now nothing. Every time I checked my email it was in the hope of receiving a comment from you. It was like my own little version of You've Got Mail. Not anymore.
I don't understand how you can just run off because you're scared of something. I don't know. Maybe I should have checked the guys who are in relationships. But you told me you were single....
I don't give my blogspot out to many people. And for a reason you pointed out. I am open on my blog. Probably way too open. The fact that you have read about every part of my life and are now going to disappear forever makes me feel a bit betrayed. I don't know why but I definitely feel that way. Perhaps even abandoned.
Hang it! Men are stupid. And now I wanna cry.
My word CoolGuy. I don't even know what to say. I know you are probably still reading my blog. I just can't believe you are going to not ever comment again.
Panic struck me when I read your comment. Yes, panic. I have enjoyed your comments so much and now nothing. Every time I checked my email it was in the hope of receiving a comment from you. It was like my own little version of You've Got Mail. Not anymore.
I don't understand how you can just run off because you're scared of something. I don't know. Maybe I should have checked the guys who are in relationships. But you told me you were single....
I don't give my blogspot out to many people. And for a reason you pointed out. I am open on my blog. Probably way too open. The fact that you have read about every part of my life and are now going to disappear forever makes me feel a bit betrayed. I don't know why but I definitely feel that way. Perhaps even abandoned.
Hang it! Men are stupid. And now I wanna cry.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Man. This has been a week already. I'm wanting it to end so it can all be in the far past. My eyes hurt from crying and I feel like that's all I've done this week. I hate crying because someone always tells me to suck it up. I hate that. Sometimes I just want to cry and I don't feel like I can.
I've done barely any homework this week and that is not good. Tomorrow after class I'm going off to study all day until it's time for the Bible study. Especially since I'm leaving Thursday for TN. The wedding is this weekend. I'm not really excited.
I want coffee... and chocolate... and good food. I haven't had supper and I'm pretty hungry. Milk sounds really good too. I think I need food. haha.
I have too much to do between now and Thursday. I need to make a list. So I'm off to do that. Pray for me. I need it right now.
I've done barely any homework this week and that is not good. Tomorrow after class I'm going off to study all day until it's time for the Bible study. Especially since I'm leaving Thursday for TN. The wedding is this weekend. I'm not really excited.
I want coffee... and chocolate... and good food. I haven't had supper and I'm pretty hungry. Milk sounds really good too. I think I need food. haha.
I have too much to do between now and Thursday. I need to make a list. So I'm off to do that. Pray for me. I need it right now.
Monday, April 6, 2009
My Life = Lame
CoolGuy really hit me where it hurts. And it hurts for several reasons.
1) It's true. My social life revolves around church.
2) I don't really see a way to fix it the above.
3) I don't know where godly men hang out when they aren't at church; which I guess would fix the above two.
4) Finding a different/bigger church with a larger singles group for twenty-somethings really isn't an option right now.
Either I tell you guys everything or it's just really easy to read between the lines. I don't hang out with very many people. My life consist of going to school, coming home, working on homework (which I've really not done today) and that's about it except for Wednesday and Sunday when I go to church.
I realize I complain about men not being men and stepping up to the plate and for that I apologize to CoolGuy. I am sorry. You probably think I'm very sexist. But in my defense I've been raised to believe the guy makes the first move. I don't want to change that belief either. I love the idea of being pursued. I say the idea because I've never had it happen to me so it is just an idea.
Maybe I am hiding under a rock. I don't know. I do know that within my social circles there aren't many men (I'm including church and the BCM) whom I would consider. Maybe my standards are too high. I don't know... but I don't think they are.
This subject could quickly become very complicated and many of the issues I don't want to go into over a blog. But suggestions for where/how to put myself in social circles would be interesting and even appreciated.
By the way, CoolGuy, thanks for the sweet reminder not to hang around godly men by myself.... but I do that anyways. If it makes you feel better I only hang around two guys by myself and I trust them with my life.
1) It's true. My social life revolves around church.
2) I don't really see a way to fix it the above.
3) I don't know where godly men hang out when they aren't at church; which I guess would fix the above two.
4) Finding a different/bigger church with a larger singles group for twenty-somethings really isn't an option right now.
Either I tell you guys everything or it's just really easy to read between the lines. I don't hang out with very many people. My life consist of going to school, coming home, working on homework (which I've really not done today) and that's about it except for Wednesday and Sunday when I go to church.
I realize I complain about men not being men and stepping up to the plate and for that I apologize to CoolGuy. I am sorry. You probably think I'm very sexist. But in my defense I've been raised to believe the guy makes the first move. I don't want to change that belief either. I love the idea of being pursued. I say the idea because I've never had it happen to me so it is just an idea.
Maybe I am hiding under a rock. I don't know. I do know that within my social circles there aren't many men (I'm including church and the BCM) whom I would consider. Maybe my standards are too high. I don't know... but I don't think they are.
This subject could quickly become very complicated and many of the issues I don't want to go into over a blog. But suggestions for where/how to put myself in social circles would be interesting and even appreciated.
By the way, CoolGuy, thanks for the sweet reminder not to hang around godly men by myself.... but I do that anyways. If it makes you feel better I only hang around two guys by myself and I trust them with my life.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spit in His Face
I just took some of my younger siblings to eat at McDonald's for lunch. We do this about once a month when it's grocery day and there is nothing in the house to eat. I am heading out the door when Anna comes to me and says, "We can't go. We only have the truck." I grinned, "Sure we can. Go load up."
We start teasing about looking like Mexican's (I apologize in advance if I offend anyone) because we are going to be squished in our terribly small Ford. Then I get a brilliant idea. I can stick the boys in the bed of the truck! So I tell them to get back there and they are ecstatic! David refuses so he sits with Anna and me on the bench seat. I told them they could lay down, sit on their butts or sit with the three of us in the truck. They decided to sit on their butts.
So I drive into town with them in the back. While we were driving on our road they were sitting up straight but once we got onto the road to go to town they started ducking every time a vehicle would pass! It was soo stinkin' funny!
I have a video to post later. Hopefully you'll be able to hear the sound because it's not from my cell! I just laughed and laughed! After lunch we dropped Anna off at work and then I took them for a longer drive. They were doing the wave, hooping like Indians, and catching bugs in their mouths! Spank told Micah to spit them out and he did! Of course the spit came back and hit him in the face! Oh goodness. I love my siblings! I am going to miss them so much when I leave in the fall. What am I going to do without them?
We start teasing about looking like Mexican's (I apologize in advance if I offend anyone) because we are going to be squished in our terribly small Ford. Then I get a brilliant idea. I can stick the boys in the bed of the truck! So I tell them to get back there and they are ecstatic! David refuses so he sits with Anna and me on the bench seat. I told them they could lay down, sit on their butts or sit with the three of us in the truck. They decided to sit on their butts.
So I drive into town with them in the back. While we were driving on our road they were sitting up straight but once we got onto the road to go to town they started ducking every time a vehicle would pass! It was soo stinkin' funny!
I have a video to post later. Hopefully you'll be able to hear the sound because it's not from my cell! I just laughed and laughed! After lunch we dropped Anna off at work and then I took them for a longer drive. They were doing the wave, hooping like Indians, and catching bugs in their mouths! Spank told Micah to spit them out and he did! Of course the spit came back and hit him in the face! Oh goodness. I love my siblings! I am going to miss them so much when I leave in the fall. What am I going to do without them?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Siblings and Childhood Dreams
*smiles* I just looked at my last blog and that picture is one of the funniest things I've ever seen! haha! I took terrible! Goodness, I felt horrible earlier. But I'm much better now. My brother and I worked it all out. Can I just say I love my siblings! They are simply amazing.
I am sick of the rain. Completely sick of it. I wish the sun would shine and shine and shine! The rivers are almost to the point of flooding. I just about skipped class today. I hate the thought of missing class but I was really worried about the river. I decided to see if the water was over the bridge before making up my mind. It wasn't over so I went to class.
Did you know yesterday was Debbie Reynold's birthday? Well, it was and on TCM yesterday they were showing all kinds of Debbie Reynold movies. So I recorded some of them. Today I realized that one of the movies I recorded was one I've wanted to see for over 10 years. My parents bought That's Entertainment III when I was 8 or 9. I memorized that movie. Literally memorized it. That's Entertainment is a collection of clips from MGM movies, interviews, and fun facts about the stars from that time. There was one clip that was just a sliver of a clip with Debbie Reynold's and from that small sliver I decided I wanted to watch the movie that contained it. But That's Entertainment didn't say what the name was so I've spent the last 12 or so years wanting to watch that movie. The name of that movie was Two Weeks With Love and I watched it tonight. I loved it.
Wow. What a day. It's way past my bedtime. I am so tired. I'm not going to set my alarm tonight. I'm going to sleep until I wake up. I haven't done that in forever. I'm looking forward to it. I deserve a day off now and then don't I?
I would like to know why, if there are good guys out there, just why they are hiding under rocks as CoolGuy says? I wish guys would actually be men and ask a girl out or something. For heaven's sake. Do you know how many girls I know that are single who would love it if a godly man pursue them? Way too many. I'm too tired to think intelligently about this right now. I'm going to bed. It's taken me about 2 hours just to write all of this. Good night friends.
I am sick of the rain. Completely sick of it. I wish the sun would shine and shine and shine! The rivers are almost to the point of flooding. I just about skipped class today. I hate the thought of missing class but I was really worried about the river. I decided to see if the water was over the bridge before making up my mind. It wasn't over so I went to class.
Did you know yesterday was Debbie Reynold's birthday? Well, it was and on TCM yesterday they were showing all kinds of Debbie Reynold movies. So I recorded some of them. Today I realized that one of the movies I recorded was one I've wanted to see for over 10 years. My parents bought That's Entertainment III when I was 8 or 9. I memorized that movie. Literally memorized it. That's Entertainment is a collection of clips from MGM movies, interviews, and fun facts about the stars from that time. There was one clip that was just a sliver of a clip with Debbie Reynold's and from that small sliver I decided I wanted to watch the movie that contained it. But That's Entertainment didn't say what the name was so I've spent the last 12 or so years wanting to watch that movie. The name of that movie was Two Weeks With Love and I watched it tonight. I loved it.
Wow. What a day. It's way past my bedtime. I am so tired. I'm not going to set my alarm tonight. I'm going to sleep until I wake up. I haven't done that in forever. I'm looking forward to it. I deserve a day off now and then don't I?
I would like to know why, if there are good guys out there, just why they are hiding under rocks as CoolGuy says? I wish guys would actually be men and ask a girl out or something. For heaven's sake. Do you know how many girls I know that are single who would love it if a godly man pursue them? Way too many. I'm too tired to think intelligently about this right now. I'm going to bed. It's taken me about 2 hours just to write all of this. Good night friends.
My Horrible Day

Is this not the most pitiful picture you've ever seen? I was sobbing. I never cry unless I'm just feeling really emotional or it's that time of the month. haha! I was feeling really emotional. I was livid. Mad. Angry. All at my little brother which only made me feel worse because when I'm mad at my siblings I then tend to get mad at myself. And I feel like the most horrible person in the world. So because I was so stinkin' mad I left. I just got in the van and drove off.
I think I am obsessed with blogging. I was stranded on the side of the road in the rain because the running board fell partly off the van while I was driving. I tried calling Joe (one of my brother I wasn't mad at) and RG. Neither one picked up so I started crying all over again. After searching the van for nonexistent tools I started crying again because I hate feeling like I can't do anything. I hate feeling feeling like I am not independent (any of my siblings will tell you that is the most ridiculous thing in the world because I am beyond independent). And I hate not having the tools I need to complete a job. So I sat in the van and cried some more. Then I thought, "Wow. This will be a great thing to blog about! I need a picture!". So I took a picture of myself and then started laughing because it was either laugh or cry. I did not want to cry.
Ha! That didn't last long. I was parked in some person's driveway so I decided to walk up to their house and ask if they had some tools I could borrow. I start walking and I'm weighing the worth of having tools, fixing the van and going home verses getting to this house in the middle of no where and being raped and murdered. Yes. I do think about that stuff. You would too if you were a girl by yourself. I decided I wasn't scared and I wanted tools so I continue walking.
Can I just say I hate having cold feet. That is the close to being the number one worst feeling ever. I was wearing my Niki tennis shoes and water (because it's been raining like mad for the past week!) starts leaking into my shoes, through my socks and on my feet. I started crying on the way back to the van. No one was home and I had just walked all the way up their stinkin' long driveway for nothing but wet, cold feet.
Then Dad calls me. What is it about talking to your daddy that makes girls want to cry? Yeah, I started crying all over. Basically I did nothing but cry all afternoon.
Finally I get in touch with my brother and he comes to help.
But now I have a headache from being mad and crying so much. I'm cold and just want to go to bed. That's not happening though. I will end up staying up all hours of the night if I nap because going to bed would mean a cat nap not sleeping until morning. Plus I have to cook supper.
So that was my day. I need to apologize to my brother. We were both in the wrong today... but that's not an excuse for being so angry. Sometimes I wish I was always as sweet as people think. *sad smile* I am definitely not.
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