Okay, wow. Can you believe 2008 is over? It's unreal. It feels like time has sped up even more and here we are starting a brand new year.
2008 has been a very good, but very hard year for me. I've learned a lot about myself and because of that changes are in store my new year. And I think for the first time in my life, I'm okay with change. I don't usually like change, but this change is exciting.
Has anyone ever kept their New Year Resolutions? I don't think I have, but I always seem to make a list nonetheless! Here they are in no order.
1. Complete as many college classes as possible.
2. Lose 30-40 pounds
3. Read one book a week (anyone want to do this with me and see who wins?!)
4. Buy a car (haha! we'll see how this goes!)
5. Paint like crazy
6. Exercise once a day
7. Get up early (like before 7am!)
I think that's all. I'll let you guys know what I'm reading each week and I'll confess like a good little girl if I don't finish. But, hey, can I make up if I read two in one week?!
Happy New Year everyone!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008

As you can see from my check marks, I had everyone's secret person correct! I knew four of them already (not including my own), but the others I purely guessed at! It made me deliriously happy for some reason!
It was RG's idea to guess and I thought it was grand, but Christmas morning the little boys and I were the only ones who wanted to guess. Ech. Siblings can be party poopers!
A Christmas story for you. Micah, my youngest brother, needed to shop for his secret person. He had asked everyone who could drive and they were all busy, so I agreed (this was the second time he'd asked me). We were driving to Wal-Mart and going back and forth about "If you tell me, I'll tell you!" concerning our secret person; we love guessing and teasing each other trying to see some failing in hiding emotions or keeping your expression neutral when they correctly say who you have! It's so much fun! But finally we decided to share. I told him and then asked who he had. "You." He said like it was nothing. "Me?! Then why am I taking you shopping?" My mind was going crazy. How can I take him shopping, but, yet, not find out what he gets me?!
"Because you're the only one who would take me!" He sounded almost desperate and I knew how badly he wanted to go so we kept going. I was frantically trying to figure out how to to let him shop without me.
By the end of our 30 minute drive I had it worked out. I was going to ask a worker to walk him around the store. I was amazed. They actually did that and he was able to shop without me safely! I was so relieved. And I had no idea what he'd purchased for me. We made a deal not to tell anyone that I knew!:)
He was so sweet. He asked dad for my Christmas list and after looking at every thing he choose to get me coffee cups and a saucer. I had asked for espresso cups and saucers, but his gift was much better because he put thought into them. I collect coffee cups so it was perfect. He also knows I love to read so he purchased the first book in Stephanie Myers Twilight series. I finished it today.
Let me tell you, I have never been so sucked into a book as this one. It weird almost. I couldn't stop. Bethany picked it up and started reading it while we were driving to town today and I was ok with that because I can't drive and read. It's kinda dangerous you know. But once we got home neither one of us wanted to let the other read it. But since it was my gift, I got to read it! I understand why so many of my friends have been pulled into the movie and books. It has everything a girl/woman is looking for in a story. Romance, intrigue, danger, a handsome and glorious hero who desires to protect and shield our leading lady.
I haven't seen the movie, but I had read the review for it and I had no plans to read or really even watch the movie (even though I did want to watch it). But I read the book since Micah gave it to me and I'm glad I did. Stephanie Myers is an incredible writer! She weaves words like a master basket maker. The book is like perfectly aged wine or the most luxurious chocolate. It's so desired once you begin. I'll admit the story starts a little slow since Bella's dull life is as fascinating as dog poop. But then Edward walks in and, and... and he is more than amazing. He unreal. I don't know how to describe him.
I can't wait to read the other books in the series. I think Bethany and I are going to buy them tonight after we watch the movie. Which is where I'm headed now! I am so excited. I'll let you know how I like the movie. Have a great evening! I hope your Christmas was as perfect as mine!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Break
The whole family is together. It's wonderful.
I love Christmas. First because it's a celebration of the birth of my Savior. He was the fulfillment of all the promises in the Old Testament. He came to earth knowing He would have to die and loving His Father enough to be obedience and save me (and you) from certain and eternal death. I love that. It amazes me.
The second reason I love Christmas is because it's happy and cheerful; we get to sing fun, lovey-dovey Christmas songs; we give gifts; have parties; visit with old and new friends; send Christmas cards, etc. I just love all of it! What's your favorite part of Christmas?
Since my siblings have gone on Christmas break they have been playing Mario Carts like crazy! It is the most annoying game ever. I am such a competitive person and that game makes me so mad. I lose all the time. But it's fun and we all like to sit and play or at least watch while others play. I hate the races that you can fall off the sides. It makes my stomach quench when others are playing and just frustrates the life out of me when I'm playing because I ALWAYS fall off.
We play Secret Santa (even though we don't call it that). We kids draw names and buy gifts for our "Secret Person". It usually takes us four, five maybe a good ten draws before no one has their own name. It's crazy fun! This year it was a little sad it only took us two draws. It wasn't as much fun. But oh well. We all try to guess who has who and what the person has bought for their Secret Person. I love it. I'll write more about this after Christmas. I think I know who at least five of us have as our SP!
I do most of the baking in our family, but when Christmas comes around, there is one thing I do not bake. Sugar cookies. I make the dough, but that is all. I can't stand people being in the kitchen with me and sugar cookies are perfect to cut out and bake with family and friends so I don't cut or bake. And I'm more than fine with it. It's my siblings special time with Bethany. They do it every year and have the grandest time!
I will try to post again soon after Christmas. Have a very merry Christmas and don't forget why we celebrate Christmas to start with.
I love Christmas. First because it's a celebration of the birth of my Savior. He was the fulfillment of all the promises in the Old Testament. He came to earth knowing He would have to die and loving His Father enough to be obedience and save me (and you) from certain and eternal death. I love that. It amazes me.
The second reason I love Christmas is because it's happy and cheerful; we get to sing fun, lovey-dovey Christmas songs; we give gifts; have parties; visit with old and new friends; send Christmas cards, etc. I just love all of it! What's your favorite part of Christmas?
Since my siblings have gone on Christmas break they have been playing Mario Carts like crazy! It is the most annoying game ever. I am such a competitive person and that game makes me so mad. I lose all the time. But it's fun and we all like to sit and play or at least watch while others play. I hate the races that you can fall off the sides. It makes my stomach quench when others are playing and just frustrates the life out of me when I'm playing because I ALWAYS fall off.
We play Secret Santa (even though we don't call it that). We kids draw names and buy gifts for our "Secret Person". It usually takes us four, five maybe a good ten draws before no one has their own name. It's crazy fun! This year it was a little sad it only took us two draws. It wasn't as much fun. But oh well. We all try to guess who has who and what the person has bought for their Secret Person. I love it. I'll write more about this after Christmas. I think I know who at least five of us have as our SP!
I do most of the baking in our family, but when Christmas comes around, there is one thing I do not bake. Sugar cookies. I make the dough, but that is all. I can't stand people being in the kitchen with me and sugar cookies are perfect to cut out and bake with family and friends so I don't cut or bake. And I'm more than fine with it. It's my siblings special time with Bethany. They do it every year and have the grandest time!
I will try to post again soon after Christmas. Have a very merry Christmas and don't forget why we celebrate Christmas to start with.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Mothers (and Fathers)
Those I love, I love fiercely. I will do anything to protect them. Once you have my trust I will be more loyal than your favorite dog. I especially feel that way towards my family. I would give up my life for my family. I'd rather be starving in freezing rain and naked than to see any of them hungry, cold and without shelter.
I felt that way about my mom. But I never thought the feelings were mutual. I didn't see that she loved me. I don't know when or exactly why I felt that way. I have some ideas, but I don't know for sure. I do know that from a little girl, I tried everything to get her attention and it continued throughout my teens and I'm sure up until she died. I was desperate for her attention and couldn't ever get it. It was always tied up in one of my siblings or another child. The few things I knew I did well at, I wanted to do them all by myself; like playing piano or driving. I did those well and didn't want any of my brothers or sisters to play piano - I wanted her to see what I could do. And driving, I remember her teaching a friend, and it made me so mad because she just sat there praising that girl for all she was worth and I never had any of it even though out of all of my driving siblings and even that girl, I was the best.
It hurt so much. It still hurts. But you know what hurts more? The knowledge that my relationship with my mom will never be right. I will always have the memories of the last few months she was alive doing nothing but arguing with her. I will never have the chance to tell her again that I love her. Never have the chance to tell her even though she couldn't see she'd hurt me that I forgave her. I will never have a chance again to show or tell my mom anything.
So I'm encouraging all of you. If you have a strained or broken relationship with anyone (mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, or friends) do all you can to make it right. You may not have that chance again.
It's Christmastime and what better gift than the gift of forgiveness and love?
I felt that way about my mom. But I never thought the feelings were mutual. I didn't see that she loved me. I don't know when or exactly why I felt that way. I have some ideas, but I don't know for sure. I do know that from a little girl, I tried everything to get her attention and it continued throughout my teens and I'm sure up until she died. I was desperate for her attention and couldn't ever get it. It was always tied up in one of my siblings or another child. The few things I knew I did well at, I wanted to do them all by myself; like playing piano or driving. I did those well and didn't want any of my brothers or sisters to play piano - I wanted her to see what I could do. And driving, I remember her teaching a friend, and it made me so mad because she just sat there praising that girl for all she was worth and I never had any of it even though out of all of my driving siblings and even that girl, I was the best.
It hurt so much. It still hurts. But you know what hurts more? The knowledge that my relationship with my mom will never be right. I will always have the memories of the last few months she was alive doing nothing but arguing with her. I will never have the chance to tell her again that I love her. Never have the chance to tell her even though she couldn't see she'd hurt me that I forgave her. I will never have a chance again to show or tell my mom anything.
So I'm encouraging all of you. If you have a strained or broken relationship with anyone (mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, or friends) do all you can to make it right. You may not have that chance again.
It's Christmastime and what better gift than the gift of forgiveness and love?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Life and Tonight's Supper
I've been sick. It was so weird. It started off as a sore throat, then went to chills (four blankets and two layers of clothing weren't enough to keep me warm) and a headache. The sore throat just got worse and to top it all off I got a cough. It was completely terrible; Bethany said it sounded like a smokers cough. Yeah.
But after a week of doing nothing but driving my siblings to and from work and drinking hot lemon water (no sugar or honey) I'm feeling much better. Still have a bit of a cough, but I'm not contagious and feel like myself.
Since I was sick I didn't do any cooking (that I remember) so since Sunday I have been cooking like crazy. I love reading food blogs. I love hearing the stories behind the recipes and seeing what other people have cooked.
Sunday I made Sweet Potato Soup. It was really good. I just boiled 6-8 potatoes, blended them with the water from boiling, poured them back in the pot; blended 8oz cream cheese, almonds, ginger and allspice with a little bit of my blended potatoes and then put that into the pot as well with a cup of brown sugar and then took my hand blender and blended everything until it was smooth. I did that because the cream cheese kinda clumped when I mixed it with the hot potatoes.
Last night I made spaghetti noodles, homemade spaghetti sauce (haha! made with canned diced tomatoes; it was almost like salsa) with maple sausage (I cooked it in maple syrup) and then cooked kale like you would greens.
Tonight I made green lentils topped with an almond sauce and cranberry meatballs with fresh homemade cranberry sauce (with just a bit of maple syrup) on the side.
The picture above is from tonight just for Bethany!! :)
I've also done some baking. I made cheesecake. It is in a cookie sheet and will be cut into small squares Friday for my Christmas party. I've also made a huge pan of Blondies. I've never made those before so hopefully they turn out.
I hope you all stay well. Being sick is no fun. And I hope you all cook something new and different! It's so much fun. Variety is the spice of life and life is too short to spend doing the same thing over and over!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
2008 Lydia's Choice Awards
Welcome to the 2nd Annual Lydia's Choice Awards 2008*
I just want to say that I love all of you so much. You are precious to me and it’s my joy to be able to do this. To tell you (at least) once a year how much you mean to me; what reminds me of you. God has blessed me beyond words and I am honored to call each and every one of you my friend.
Best Person of the Year -
1. Father Love (I am in awe more and more of Your love and forgiveness for me. The mere fact that You chose to save me from certain death is astonishing. That knowledge alone makes me want to serve You with all of my heart, mind and soul.
2. Ron Paul (Thanks for being a voice of reason in our crazy political world.)
3. Hannah M. (I amazed that you have put up with our family. You have endured a lot and I admire you for that.)
Best Female Friends of the Year -
1. Bethany and Anna (I love you both so much. I love spending time with you guys. We laugh, cry, challenge each other, get mad and forgive. I have the best sisters in the universe!)
2. Anna Kathleen (I love and miss you. I know you are busy with school, but I miss hearing about your life, send me an email or call! We should get together over Christmas.)
3. Carrie (You are my dearest girl friend in Hawkinsville. I love hanging out with you. You make me laugh and you know how to light up a room. Your heart for the Lord is amazing.)
4. Ms. Leah (I'm so thankful for your godly wisdom, advice and encouragement. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you.)
5. Annie (Thank you for your friendship. You are the sweetest person I've ever met. Your children are incredible. I've told Bethany that your kids are what I've always imagined her children to be like: smart, beautiful, polite and sweet as can be. I love talking with them. You and Ed have much to be proud of. I look forward to many more years of godly fellowship with you and your family.)
6. Hannah R. (So we may not be best friends [yet!], but I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to getting to know you better! You make my day. I love just being around you. The sweet aroma of our Lord shines forth in your life and through your heart. You amaze me. I wish I could be more like you.)
Best Male Friends of the Year -
1. Joe (Even though I don't like staying up late to get you from work, I cannot tell you how much the time spent during those car rides have meant to me. It means so much that I can tell you everything and I know it won't go beyond us. I love you.)
2. James (God put you in my life right when I needed you. I love you. Thanks for being my brother; for calling to check on me; remembering things I don't even remember telling you; encouraging me. I thank our Lord for you.)
3. RG (You have opened my eyes to so many things. In the past year my relationship with the Lord has grown in leaps and bounds and it's because you allowed the Holy Spirit to speak through you. I have been convicted, released, moved and challenged in so many ways. I am very thankful for your friendship. I trust you and tell you just about everything. You are incredible.)
Funniest Person of the Year -
1. Joe (I had to leave you in first! You are still the funniest person I know and I love when we go past being G rated! Lunch conversations are amazing!)
2. Jesse (You and Joe had to have been twins separated at birth! I love it when you come to the house and just hang. You are part of our family.)
3. Bethany (Oh my word. I can't have a conversation with you without laughing.)
4. Micah and Spank (Wow. You guys crack me up! It seems like the older you two get the funnier you get! I love you guys!)
5. Chad (Just thinking about you puts a smile on my face. Thanks for being my friend!)
Happiest Person of the Year -
1. Wren R. (I have never seen you as happy as you've been since Kendall's birth. It's so sweet. I'm praying for a baby boy by the way. :) Every family needs a boy!)
2. Bonnie (I don't think I've ever heard of you being unhappy. You are so joyful and I love your spirit.)
3. Kasey Wyms (You are so upbeat! I’ve never seen you down; it’s awesome.)
4. Jess G. (Girl, you have to be the happiest person I know. When we talk you are so excited about life and the future and it makes me excited. I’m sorry we didn’t get to hang out last week, but we will! Soon.)
Craziest Person of the Year -
1. Joe (haha. You are crazy!)
2. Jesse (you and Joe are just great. You're crazy. Insane. And I love being around you guys!)
3. David Allen (It won’t surprise me if you blow something up one day and come inside without hair or eye-brows! I’m going to laugh my head off too! Love.)
Most Loving Person of the Year -
1. Dad (I think you are the best dad ever. I love you.)
2. My Lord and Savior (Daily I am moved by your deep and unconditional love for me. I would be nothing without you. Keep me close. Be my only desire.)
3. Jess W. (Thank you for being there for Bethany. I hate that she can't be with the family, but it makes me feel so much better knowing that she has loving and supportive friends at TFC.)
Most Challenging Person of the Year -
1. Bethany (You make me so mad sometimes, but I don't know what I would do without you to make me dig deeper and truly get to the bottom of things I don't even want to deal with. I think you are wonderful.)
2. RG (I really don't know what to say. You probably don't even know it, but your friendship has been very challenging. You've made me mad a few times!)
3. Ms. Leah (I know that I can count on you to tell me like it is and not hold anything back... especially since we are so much alike and you just understand me!)
Most Beautiful (Female) of the Year -
1. Bethany (You are... inside and out. I still want to be like you in every way I can without changing "me" and that includes your outward and inward beauty.)
2. Bethany Mac (You are still the most beautiful woman I know!)
3. Sara (I know this may be a bit irritating, but I really hope it's not. I hadn't seen you in years and when I looked at your pictures and saw how much you'd grown up I was amazed. You are incredibly beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.)
4. Hannah R. (You are one of those girls that have an endless list of good qualities! You are lovely and not just on the outside.)
Most Drop-Dead Gorgeous (Male) of the Year -
1. Caleb, Joe, David, John Mark and Micah (I seriously have the most gorgeous brothers ever! Ya'll are just soo handsome!)
2. Jared Wagnac. (You are good looking!)
3. RG (All the ladies think so!)
4. Jonas Quinn (from Stargate SG1!! lol. My brothers watch that show all the time and I think he's pretty good looking!)
Most Talented Person of the Year -
1. David Allen (How in the world you can do all the things you can and do are awesome. I am proud of you. You're smart and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you!)
2. Marianna (Girl, you know how to break it down! You can dance!)
3. Carrie (You are soo good on the guitar! It's been awesome to hear your gift. The Lord has blessed you.)
Most Mysterious Person of the Year -
1. The guy down the road who has a sweet truck, a very scary dog and a small house.
Best Personality of the Year -
1. Meg (I just love you. We need to get together sometime soon.)
2. Annie W. (You remind me of my mom. She loved life; never met a stranger; had a heart for not only her children, but kids in general; loved to encourage and pray for others. I see all of that and more in you. You are such a blessing.)
3. Micah (I love when we get sarcastic with each other; it’s like what it would be if I was talking to my twin or clone. I think we should get started on our talent for next year!)
Wonder Woman of the Year -
1.Carrie (I have worried about you with everything you've taken on this year, but you've handled it all with amazing strength. God has been your refuge and the fact that you lean on Him and trust him in all things has been so encouraging.)
Super Man of the Year -
1. Dad (You are still my hero. The way you took care of Mom during all of the years she was sick and then the way you've taken care of us kids - wow. I want to marry a man who is as dedicated to his family as you are.)
2. Jonathan Knight (I am so proud of you. You have worked long and hard to get where you are. Keep fighting the good fight.)
Most Inspiring Person of the Year -
1. Carrie (Your passion for the Lord and for other people has inspired me in more ways than you'll ever know. You've reminded me that I need to love people no matter who they are or what they've done. Thanks girl. I love you!)
2. Sara (I was so encouraged that there were young people interested in politics. It’s so important. I have a great amount of respect for you because of not only your interest, but your ability to discuss it without getting heated if someone disagrees with you. Keep at girl! I’m excited with you to see the great things Obama is going to do for our country.)
Most Helpful Person of the Year -
1. Ms. Susie and Ms. Mary Jane (I cannot tell you guy’s thank-you enough. The way you stepped in and pulled together a meal for the volleyball night was stunning. I was overwhelmed by your hard work and willingness to help me.)
2. Marianna (I think I would have pulled out my hair by now if you weren't here to help me! You do so much and I'm afraid a lot of it goes unnoticed. But I have seen and I appreciate and love you very, very much.
Most Encouraging Female of the Year -
1. Ms. Leah (Wow. You have been a major source of encouragement for me. I am so thankful for your wisdom and guidance. You have become my mother figure and I couldn't have asked for a better one. Thanks for always being available to talk and for praying for and with me.)
2. Bethany (I love you. I love that God saw fit to make us sisters. Goodness, He knew I'd need you! I can't wait for our trip to Europe! We're going to have soo much fun!)
3. Marianna (I love you too. We are so crazy together, but at the same time, I know I can count on you for anything. )
Most Encouraging Male of the Year -
1. James (Need I say more? I love my big brother!)
2. Joe (You’ve become one of my best friends! I love you so much. Thanks for listening to all of my craziness!)
3. RG (Thank you for encouraging me to pursue life beyond what I’m doing now. I needed it.)
Best “Old” or New Female Friend of the Year -
1. Annie (I can’t wait to visit again.)
2. Hannah R. (I am praying for you.)
3. Anna Kathleen (We need to talk more!)
4. Ginger (I love you. You are incredible. Thanks for being my friend and for praying for me.)
Best “Old” or New Male Friend of the Year -
1. Jared Wagnac (You are so sweet and when you give me a hug and ask how I’m doing it makes me smile. I’m glad we’re friends!)
2. John H. (My first big brother. I can remember growing up and wishing I had a big brother and even asking God why He hadn’t given Bethany and me one. And then He sent you! I miss you, but am very thankful for Facebook so I can keep up with you. I think and pray for you and Kim often.)
3. Jay Pope (You are such a dear friend. Praying for you.)
Best Dressed Female of the Year -
1. Candace (You are always so artsy in your style. It fits you perfectly and it’s simply adorable!)
2. Marianna (I love how you are not afraid to rock Hville with your style! Keep those hats coming!)
3. The Mac Girls (All three of you look like models! You are all just gorgeous.)
Best Movie of the Year -
1. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (It was moving. I highly recommend it.)
2. Fireproof (If you haven’t seen this movie, go watch it!)
3. The Dark Knight (It was surprisingly good. Well, the parts I watched were… I covered my eyes for a good bit of the movie!!)
Best Music of the Year -
1. Jadon Lavik (Love his latest CD - Roots Run Deep)
2. Anything with Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., or Nat King Cole (I love all of them!)
Best Books (I've read!) of the Year -
1. 9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever (It was enlightening).
2. The Love Dare (I’ve only read a few pages, but it was incredible.)
3. Wounded by Claudia Mair Burney (I love her books, but this one was almost hard to read. When I read, I get into the character and feeling her pain was real; it broke my heart. But I loved it.)
Best Music Videos of the Year -
1. Jonas Brothers Love Bug (Super cute!)
Thus ends the 2008 Lydia's Choice Awards!
**These "Awards" are to make you laugh, cry, wonder, and hopefully laugh some more. I hope they weren't taken in the wrong way at all. I didn't mean for them to hurt anyone. Please let me know if that occurred and I will do my best to fix it.
I just want to say that I love all of you so much. You are precious to me and it’s my joy to be able to do this. To tell you (at least) once a year how much you mean to me; what reminds me of you. God has blessed me beyond words and I am honored to call each and every one of you my friend.
Best Person of the Year -
1. Father Love (I am in awe more and more of Your love and forgiveness for me. The mere fact that You chose to save me from certain death is astonishing. That knowledge alone makes me want to serve You with all of my heart, mind and soul.
2. Ron Paul (Thanks for being a voice of reason in our crazy political world.)
3. Hannah M. (I amazed that you have put up with our family. You have endured a lot and I admire you for that.)
Best Female Friends of the Year -
1. Bethany and Anna (I love you both so much. I love spending time with you guys. We laugh, cry, challenge each other, get mad and forgive. I have the best sisters in the universe!)
2. Anna Kathleen (I love and miss you. I know you are busy with school, but I miss hearing about your life, send me an email or call! We should get together over Christmas.)
3. Carrie (You are my dearest girl friend in Hawkinsville. I love hanging out with you. You make me laugh and you know how to light up a room. Your heart for the Lord is amazing.)
4. Ms. Leah (I'm so thankful for your godly wisdom, advice and encouragement. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you.)
5. Annie (Thank you for your friendship. You are the sweetest person I've ever met. Your children are incredible. I've told Bethany that your kids are what I've always imagined her children to be like: smart, beautiful, polite and sweet as can be. I love talking with them. You and Ed have much to be proud of. I look forward to many more years of godly fellowship with you and your family.)
6. Hannah R. (So we may not be best friends [yet!], but I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to getting to know you better! You make my day. I love just being around you. The sweet aroma of our Lord shines forth in your life and through your heart. You amaze me. I wish I could be more like you.)
Best Male Friends of the Year -
1. Joe (Even though I don't like staying up late to get you from work, I cannot tell you how much the time spent during those car rides have meant to me. It means so much that I can tell you everything and I know it won't go beyond us. I love you.)
2. James (God put you in my life right when I needed you. I love you. Thanks for being my brother; for calling to check on me; remembering things I don't even remember telling you; encouraging me. I thank our Lord for you.)
3. RG (You have opened my eyes to so many things. In the past year my relationship with the Lord has grown in leaps and bounds and it's because you allowed the Holy Spirit to speak through you. I have been convicted, released, moved and challenged in so many ways. I am very thankful for your friendship. I trust you and tell you just about everything. You are incredible.)
Funniest Person of the Year -
1. Joe (I had to leave you in first! You are still the funniest person I know and I love when we go past being G rated! Lunch conversations are amazing!)
2. Jesse (You and Joe had to have been twins separated at birth! I love it when you come to the house and just hang. You are part of our family.)
3. Bethany (Oh my word. I can't have a conversation with you without laughing.)
4. Micah and Spank (Wow. You guys crack me up! It seems like the older you two get the funnier you get! I love you guys!)
5. Chad (Just thinking about you puts a smile on my face. Thanks for being my friend!)
Happiest Person of the Year -
1. Wren R. (I have never seen you as happy as you've been since Kendall's birth. It's so sweet. I'm praying for a baby boy by the way. :) Every family needs a boy!)
2. Bonnie (I don't think I've ever heard of you being unhappy. You are so joyful and I love your spirit.)
3. Kasey Wyms (You are so upbeat! I’ve never seen you down; it’s awesome.)
4. Jess G. (Girl, you have to be the happiest person I know. When we talk you are so excited about life and the future and it makes me excited. I’m sorry we didn’t get to hang out last week, but we will! Soon.)
Craziest Person of the Year -
1. Joe (haha. You are crazy!)
2. Jesse (you and Joe are just great. You're crazy. Insane. And I love being around you guys!)
3. David Allen (It won’t surprise me if you blow something up one day and come inside without hair or eye-brows! I’m going to laugh my head off too! Love.)
Most Loving Person of the Year -
1. Dad (I think you are the best dad ever. I love you.)
2. My Lord and Savior (Daily I am moved by your deep and unconditional love for me. I would be nothing without you. Keep me close. Be my only desire.)
3. Jess W. (Thank you for being there for Bethany. I hate that she can't be with the family, but it makes me feel so much better knowing that she has loving and supportive friends at TFC.)
Most Challenging Person of the Year -
1. Bethany (You make me so mad sometimes, but I don't know what I would do without you to make me dig deeper and truly get to the bottom of things I don't even want to deal with. I think you are wonderful.)
2. RG (I really don't know what to say. You probably don't even know it, but your friendship has been very challenging. You've made me mad a few times!)
3. Ms. Leah (I know that I can count on you to tell me like it is and not hold anything back... especially since we are so much alike and you just understand me!)
Most Beautiful (Female) of the Year -
1. Bethany (You are... inside and out. I still want to be like you in every way I can without changing "me" and that includes your outward and inward beauty.)
2. Bethany Mac (You are still the most beautiful woman I know!)
3. Sara (I know this may be a bit irritating, but I really hope it's not. I hadn't seen you in years and when I looked at your pictures and saw how much you'd grown up I was amazed. You are incredibly beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.)
4. Hannah R. (You are one of those girls that have an endless list of good qualities! You are lovely and not just on the outside.)
Most Drop-Dead Gorgeous (Male) of the Year -
1. Caleb, Joe, David, John Mark and Micah (I seriously have the most gorgeous brothers ever! Ya'll are just soo handsome!)
2. Jared Wagnac. (You are good looking!)
3. RG (All the ladies think so!)
4. Jonas Quinn (from Stargate SG1!! lol. My brothers watch that show all the time and I think he's pretty good looking!)
Most Talented Person of the Year -
1. David Allen (How in the world you can do all the things you can and do are awesome. I am proud of you. You're smart and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you!)
2. Marianna (Girl, you know how to break it down! You can dance!)
3. Carrie (You are soo good on the guitar! It's been awesome to hear your gift. The Lord has blessed you.)
Most Mysterious Person of the Year -
1. The guy down the road who has a sweet truck, a very scary dog and a small house.
Best Personality of the Year -
1. Meg (I just love you. We need to get together sometime soon.)
2. Annie W. (You remind me of my mom. She loved life; never met a stranger; had a heart for not only her children, but kids in general; loved to encourage and pray for others. I see all of that and more in you. You are such a blessing.)
3. Micah (I love when we get sarcastic with each other; it’s like what it would be if I was talking to my twin or clone. I think we should get started on our talent for next year!)
Wonder Woman of the Year -
1.Carrie (I have worried about you with everything you've taken on this year, but you've handled it all with amazing strength. God has been your refuge and the fact that you lean on Him and trust him in all things has been so encouraging.)
Super Man of the Year -
1. Dad (You are still my hero. The way you took care of Mom during all of the years she was sick and then the way you've taken care of us kids - wow. I want to marry a man who is as dedicated to his family as you are.)
2. Jonathan Knight (I am so proud of you. You have worked long and hard to get where you are. Keep fighting the good fight.)
Most Inspiring Person of the Year -
1. Carrie (Your passion for the Lord and for other people has inspired me in more ways than you'll ever know. You've reminded me that I need to love people no matter who they are or what they've done. Thanks girl. I love you!)
2. Sara (I was so encouraged that there were young people interested in politics. It’s so important. I have a great amount of respect for you because of not only your interest, but your ability to discuss it without getting heated if someone disagrees with you. Keep at girl! I’m excited with you to see the great things Obama is going to do for our country.)
Most Helpful Person of the Year -
1. Ms. Susie and Ms. Mary Jane (I cannot tell you guy’s thank-you enough. The way you stepped in and pulled together a meal for the volleyball night was stunning. I was overwhelmed by your hard work and willingness to help me.)
2. Marianna (I think I would have pulled out my hair by now if you weren't here to help me! You do so much and I'm afraid a lot of it goes unnoticed. But I have seen and I appreciate and love you very, very much.
Most Encouraging Female of the Year -
1. Ms. Leah (Wow. You have been a major source of encouragement for me. I am so thankful for your wisdom and guidance. You have become my mother figure and I couldn't have asked for a better one. Thanks for always being available to talk and for praying for and with me.)
2. Bethany (I love you. I love that God saw fit to make us sisters. Goodness, He knew I'd need you! I can't wait for our trip to Europe! We're going to have soo much fun!)
3. Marianna (I love you too. We are so crazy together, but at the same time, I know I can count on you for anything. )
Most Encouraging Male of the Year -
1. James (Need I say more? I love my big brother!)
2. Joe (You’ve become one of my best friends! I love you so much. Thanks for listening to all of my craziness!)
3. RG (Thank you for encouraging me to pursue life beyond what I’m doing now. I needed it.)
Best “Old” or New Female Friend of the Year -
1. Annie (I can’t wait to visit again.)
2. Hannah R. (I am praying for you.)
3. Anna Kathleen (We need to talk more!)
4. Ginger (I love you. You are incredible. Thanks for being my friend and for praying for me.)
Best “Old” or New Male Friend of the Year -
1. Jared Wagnac (You are so sweet and when you give me a hug and ask how I’m doing it makes me smile. I’m glad we’re friends!)
2. John H. (My first big brother. I can remember growing up and wishing I had a big brother and even asking God why He hadn’t given Bethany and me one. And then He sent you! I miss you, but am very thankful for Facebook so I can keep up with you. I think and pray for you and Kim often.)
3. Jay Pope (You are such a dear friend. Praying for you.)
Best Dressed Female of the Year -
1. Candace (You are always so artsy in your style. It fits you perfectly and it’s simply adorable!)
2. Marianna (I love how you are not afraid to rock Hville with your style! Keep those hats coming!)
3. The Mac Girls (All three of you look like models! You are all just gorgeous.)
Best Movie of the Year -
1. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (It was moving. I highly recommend it.)
2. Fireproof (If you haven’t seen this movie, go watch it!)
3. The Dark Knight (It was surprisingly good. Well, the parts I watched were… I covered my eyes for a good bit of the movie!!)
Best Music of the Year -
1. Jadon Lavik (Love his latest CD - Roots Run Deep)
2. Anything with Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., or Nat King Cole (I love all of them!)
Best Books (I've read!) of the Year -
1. 9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever (It was enlightening).
2. The Love Dare (I’ve only read a few pages, but it was incredible.)
3. Wounded by Claudia Mair Burney (I love her books, but this one was almost hard to read. When I read, I get into the character and feeling her pain was real; it broke my heart. But I loved it.)
Best Music Videos of the Year -
1. Jonas Brothers Love Bug (Super cute!)
Thus ends the 2008 Lydia's Choice Awards!
**These "Awards" are to make you laugh, cry, wonder, and hopefully laugh some more. I hope they weren't taken in the wrong way at all. I didn't mean for them to hurt anyone. Please let me know if that occurred and I will do my best to fix it.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
How The Bailout Works
I received this in a email. I am very much so against the bailout plan so I thought it was pretty funny and worth sharing.
Once upon a time a man appeared in a village announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.
The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He next announced that he would now buy monkeys at $20 each.
This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so scarce it was an effort to even find a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50 each! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, h is assistant would buy on his behalf. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the Villagers: "Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has already collected I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man the returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each."
The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys for 700 billion dollars.
They never saw the man or his assistant again, only lots and lots of monkeys!
Now you have a better understanding of how the WALL STREET BAILOUT PLAN WILL WORK !!!!
Once upon a time a man appeared in a village announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.
The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He next announced that he would now buy monkeys at $20 each.
This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so scarce it was an effort to even find a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50 each! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, h is assistant would buy on his behalf. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the Villagers: "Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has already collected I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man the returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each."
The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys for 700 billion dollars.
They never saw the man or his assistant again, only lots and lots of monkeys!
Now you have a better understanding of how the WALL STREET BAILOUT PLAN WILL WORK !!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Turkey Day
Thanksgiving Day was crazy at my house. Dad decided earlier this fall we would have "cook-off" of sorts for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone had to choose a dish, tell us what they needed to make it and then cook it.
It was pretty incredible. There were so many people in the kitchen I waited till the last minute to make my dish. It was my first time making bacon wrapped asparagus with a pineapple sauce. It was sooo good. Oh, and a few of them had goat cheese wrapped in the bacon as well. David and I tag-teamed on the grill. I'm not really a grillin' kind of person, I mean, I guess I could be, but in my family, grilling is a guy thing and the girls stay away from the grill. So David is my grilling partner. He does a great job and my asparagus looked amazing.
I also made cheesecake. One regular and one key lime cheesecake. Spank loves key lime pie and wanted to put the two together since he also loves my cheesecake. The key lime cheesecake was all for him.
And that was all I had to make. It was so nice not having to cook everything but the turkey (Dad always does the turkey).
The past two or three Thanksgivings, we've gone to see a movie in the theater. Last year we watched Enchanted. I don't remember the year before, but I know we watched a movie. This year we watched The Boy in Striped Pajamas. Talk about a chilling movie. The contrast between wide-eyed innocence and hard hatred. Makes all the "big" things seems so tiny. Makes you think about how important family and love is. Wow. It was a GREAT movie. I highly recommend it. And even for small children... it is part of our history and doesn't need to be forgotten. They need to see and hear how nasty those people were treated and how wrong it is to treat others that way just because they are different from us. Important life lessons for anyone.
Closing note: GA Tech beat UGA. What a great ending to the Thanksgiving weekend. God is good.
It was pretty incredible. There were so many people in the kitchen I waited till the last minute to make my dish. It was my first time making bacon wrapped asparagus with a pineapple sauce. It was sooo good. Oh, and a few of them had goat cheese wrapped in the bacon as well. David and I tag-teamed on the grill. I'm not really a grillin' kind of person, I mean, I guess I could be, but in my family, grilling is a guy thing and the girls stay away from the grill. So David is my grilling partner. He does a great job and my asparagus looked amazing.
I also made cheesecake. One regular and one key lime cheesecake. Spank loves key lime pie and wanted to put the two together since he also loves my cheesecake. The key lime cheesecake was all for him.
And that was all I had to make. It was so nice not having to cook everything but the turkey (Dad always does the turkey).
The past two or three Thanksgivings, we've gone to see a movie in the theater. Last year we watched Enchanted. I don't remember the year before, but I know we watched a movie. This year we watched The Boy in Striped Pajamas. Talk about a chilling movie. The contrast between wide-eyed innocence and hard hatred. Makes all the "big" things seems so tiny. Makes you think about how important family and love is. Wow. It was a GREAT movie. I highly recommend it. And even for small children... it is part of our history and doesn't need to be forgotten. They need to see and hear how nasty those people were treated and how wrong it is to treat others that way just because they are different from us. Important life lessons for anyone.
Closing note: GA Tech beat UGA. What a great ending to the Thanksgiving weekend. God is good.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving is in three days. I still have some grocery shopping to do and tons of cooking! We are having so much great food! But I thought I would list things I'm thankful for since Thanksgiving is in a few days. I should really do this year round...
Anyways, here goes!
1. I am thankful for my Lord and Savior
2. The forgiveness of sins
3. The Holy Word to lead and guide me
4. My family (I love you guys!)
5. My best guy friend (RG) and my best girl friend (Leigh)
6. A home; that has a roof, heat, running water, etc
7. My wonderful church family.
8. Good music that makes me sing and dance!
9. Socks to keep my feet warm
10. Sunny skies and the man in the moon
11. Coffee!
12. Brothers who kill roaches
13. Movies that make you feel something
14. Friends who love having a good time!
15. Getting letters in the mail (the mailbox that is in your driveway! not your computer); it doesn't happen often, but I enjoy it.
16. The men and women who fight for the freedoms I often take for granted - Thank you.
17. Being born and raised in such an amazing country. America, you really are beautiful
18. Facebook to help keep up with friends far away and close by!
19. The time spent with my mom while she was alive
20. Having family close by especially for the holidays.
What are you thankful for? It's so easy to take things for granted! I heard the other day that someone said that going around ungrateful is like going around naked. Now some of us wouldn't mind going around naked, but the point of the story is: we should always be thankful. No matter what is going on around us, good or bad, we can find at least one thing to say thanks for.
Anyways, here goes!
1. I am thankful for my Lord and Savior
2. The forgiveness of sins
3. The Holy Word to lead and guide me
4. My family (I love you guys!)
5. My best guy friend (RG) and my best girl friend (Leigh)
6. A home; that has a roof, heat, running water, etc
7. My wonderful church family.
8. Good music that makes me sing and dance!
9. Socks to keep my feet warm
10. Sunny skies and the man in the moon
11. Coffee!
12. Brothers who kill roaches
13. Movies that make you feel something
14. Friends who love having a good time!
15. Getting letters in the mail (the mailbox that is in your driveway! not your computer); it doesn't happen often, but I enjoy it.
16. The men and women who fight for the freedoms I often take for granted - Thank you.
17. Being born and raised in such an amazing country. America, you really are beautiful
18. Facebook to help keep up with friends far away and close by!
19. The time spent with my mom while she was alive
20. Having family close by especially for the holidays.
What are you thankful for? It's so easy to take things for granted! I heard the other day that someone said that going around ungrateful is like going around naked. Now some of us wouldn't mind going around naked, but the point of the story is: we should always be thankful. No matter what is going on around us, good or bad, we can find at least one thing to say thanks for.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I Love Good Quotes
"Don't let anyone tell you the sky's the limit...when there are footprints on the moon!!"
I don't know who said it, but it seriously makes me happy. It's a wonderful thought that there are no limits to our dreams and desires. Anything can happen.
I've been learning that the only person who truly keeps me from doing the things I want to do is me. I limit myself and then try to blame it on other people. It's wrong and very unkind. But I'm working to change. Dreams, goals, plans are in my near future. I'm extremely excited about all of it and I'm not letting anything or anyone (myself included) hold me back.
I don't know who said it, but it seriously makes me happy. It's a wonderful thought that there are no limits to our dreams and desires. Anything can happen.
I've been learning that the only person who truly keeps me from doing the things I want to do is me. I limit myself and then try to blame it on other people. It's wrong and very unkind. But I'm working to change. Dreams, goals, plans are in my near future. I'm extremely excited about all of it and I'm not letting anything or anyone (myself included) hold me back.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My New Blogging Start
On here... again. I've been blogging on MySpace, but seriously, who gets on MySpace anymore? Almost all of my friends are on Facebook and that seems to be the preferred choice of the two. So that's where I am as far as an online social life goes. Oh, and Twitter; which I've come to love. I love doing little status updates throughout the day. Would Facebook be considered networking?
I'll blog more later. I've got to go to the bathroom and I can't think of anything else to write.
I'll blog more later. I've got to go to the bathroom and I can't think of anything else to write.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Woman He Needs
I been thinking about relationships a lot lately. And I've been discussing them with some girl friends too.
Thoughts: My ideal date. What kind of man I want to marry. What's more important than a boyfriend right now (and hopefully always will be). The moments I don't understand why or how. Praying for my future husband.
My ideal date? Something unusual... like catching fireflies at dusk. Come on boys, be creative! I don't want the norm.
What kind of man do I want to marry? A man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love me. And then you can take my song (A Small Town Southern Man - Alan Jackson) and there you go. I want him to be hard working, but gentle. Adventuresome and yet, cautious/careful. And he has to love my family. Please open doors. It's so impressive when you do.
What's more important than a boyfriend? My relationship with the Lord. I love my Father and He is the most important person. I desire to please Him and to walk in His light than to have a guy.
The moments I don't understand? The why. I don't understand God's timing, but I trust Him. I know that when it's His time for me to have a relationship, it will be the perfect time and I'm willing to wait. The how. I live in a small town. I know the guys that are at church. At this point there is only one I'd consider.... so how is a single, godly young man going to make it to my town? I have no idea. But I know God is more than able to bring one my way. And once again, I'm willing to wait.
Praying for my future husband. I don't do it often enough. It's hard sometimes. But I pray now, that the Lord would bless and protect him. Strengthen and guide him. If he doesn't know the Lord as his personal Lord and Savior, I pray the Lord will begin to work on his heart, mind and soul. And I pray Father Love will prepare me to be the woman he needs.
Thoughts: My ideal date. What kind of man I want to marry. What's more important than a boyfriend right now (and hopefully always will be). The moments I don't understand why or how. Praying for my future husband.
My ideal date? Something unusual... like catching fireflies at dusk. Come on boys, be creative! I don't want the norm.
What kind of man do I want to marry? A man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love me. And then you can take my song (A Small Town Southern Man - Alan Jackson) and there you go. I want him to be hard working, but gentle. Adventuresome and yet, cautious/careful. And he has to love my family. Please open doors. It's so impressive when you do.
What's more important than a boyfriend? My relationship with the Lord. I love my Father and He is the most important person. I desire to please Him and to walk in His light than to have a guy.
The moments I don't understand? The why. I don't understand God's timing, but I trust Him. I know that when it's His time for me to have a relationship, it will be the perfect time and I'm willing to wait. The how. I live in a small town. I know the guys that are at church. At this point there is only one I'd consider.... so how is a single, godly young man going to make it to my town? I have no idea. But I know God is more than able to bring one my way. And once again, I'm willing to wait.
Praying for my future husband. I don't do it often enough. It's hard sometimes. But I pray now, that the Lord would bless and protect him. Strengthen and guide him. If he doesn't know the Lord as his personal Lord and Savior, I pray the Lord will begin to work on his heart, mind and soul. And I pray Father Love will prepare me to be the woman he needs.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
"I would be honored if you’d accept...."
Feel like your boyfriend is taking too long to "pop" the question? Well, I have a solution for all of you traditionalist who believe the man should do the proposing, but your man isn't doing anything.... you have one chance to do something about it.
Friday, February 29th, is Leap day. According to legend, some women in the 5th century were getting a bit frustrated with having to wait on their man to ask! So St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick. His solution was to allow women a chance every four years to ask their beaus to marry. Thus you may ask your man to marry you and make you the happiest woman in the world this Friday.
In 1288, supposedly, Scotland made the tradition a law and the men who refused to accept a proposal on Leap day got fined. Payment could be in the form of a kiss, a pair of gloves or a silk dress.
Goodness, if I'd been alive in 1288, I would have asked a man who hated me just so he could pay up! Of course, I wonder what would happen if he accepted.... Maybe that's not such a good idea after all! *grins*
Anyways, ladies, if you feel the need to abide by tradition, you may rest assured that you have (according to tradition!) one day that you will not be looked down upon for asking your man to marry (as long as you do it before midnight on Friday!).
I say you better get busy planning that proposal! You've only got three days! By the way, Chris Rice has some awesome love songs! I highly recommend them! Wow, I've got a lot of plugs for CR on my blogs today! Yay! Go Chris Rice!
Friday, February 29th, is Leap day. According to legend, some women in the 5th century were getting a bit frustrated with having to wait on their man to ask! So St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick. His solution was to allow women a chance every four years to ask their beaus to marry. Thus you may ask your man to marry you and make you the happiest woman in the world this Friday.
In 1288, supposedly, Scotland made the tradition a law and the men who refused to accept a proposal on Leap day got fined. Payment could be in the form of a kiss, a pair of gloves or a silk dress.
Goodness, if I'd been alive in 1288, I would have asked a man who hated me just so he could pay up! Of course, I wonder what would happen if he accepted.... Maybe that's not such a good idea after all! *grins*
Anyways, ladies, if you feel the need to abide by tradition, you may rest assured that you have (according to tradition!) one day that you will not be looked down upon for asking your man to marry (as long as you do it before midnight on Friday!).
I say you better get busy planning that proposal! You've only got three days! By the way, Chris Rice has some awesome love songs! I highly recommend them! Wow, I've got a lot of plugs for CR on my blogs today! Yay! Go Chris Rice!
Movies, Favorites and Jacket Choices
Jacket choice number 1 was the favorite with my siblings and all of you guys. So I went with it! It looks more like me anyways!
Favorites! I love favorites!
Tell me your favorite:
1. Song
2. Smell
3. Starbucks drink
4. Splurge
5. Male contestant from this season's American Idol
The last movie I've seen - How to Catch a Thief. Cary Grant and Grace Kelly star. I loved it.
Hey, read a good book. It's good for your mind.
Oh, be sure to check out this cool t-shirt! I ordered one! http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=9050616&blogID=360959544
Favorites! I love favorites!
Tell me your favorite:
1. Song
2. Smell
3. Starbucks drink
4. Splurge
5. Male contestant from this season's American Idol
The last movie I've seen - How to Catch a Thief. Cary Grant and Grace Kelly star. I loved it.
Hey, read a good book. It's good for your mind.
Oh, be sure to check out this cool t-shirt! I ordered one! http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=9050616&blogID=360959544
Friday, February 22, 2008
What Not to Wear
I bought a new dress... and I'm gonna wear it Sunday. I need your opinion. I have two jackets/sweaters (whatever you want to call it) and I need to know which one you think looks best.
Here is the dress -

Jacket choice 1 -

Jacket choice 2 -

So which one do you like best? I asked all of my siblings that are at home and well, I won't tell you what they said until you give your opinion!
Here is the dress -
Jacket choice 1 -
Jacket choice 2 -
So which one do you like best? I asked all of my siblings that are at home and well, I won't tell you what they said until you give your opinion!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Stupid Giddiness
AAhhh!!! Cupid's favorite time of year! Love is in the air and everyone is full of love, laughter and stupid giddiness.
I'm speaking of Valentines Day. It's today if you didn't know. I've always been a bit disgusted by the whole Valentines thing. Boys, if you have girl, you HAVE to buy her flowers, candy, chocolate and jewelry. And if you forget to do it, your girl won't speak to you for the next two weeks. Oh, did I mention dinner? Don't you dare forget that either! If you can't be here to take me out, I expect a phone call and roses sent to my place of work so all my co-workers can see what a GREAT guy you are.
Can I say lame? I don't like the idea of Valentines day. I don't like the expectations of it. I don't like the undue pressure guys have to be perfect on this day.
I will confess. This year I've actually wanted a guy to do something for me... but there isn't a guy to do it. So it was pointless wishing. And today I sat down to write something about Valentines day and it came out like this... pretty sarcastic and very disgusted with it all. Perhaps I wouldn't feel this way if I had a guy to be giddy over... who knows.
For those of you who lose yourself so much that you do something that has to do with this insane day, good for you! I hope your guy (or girl) likes it.
I'm speaking of Valentines Day. It's today if you didn't know. I've always been a bit disgusted by the whole Valentines thing. Boys, if you have girl, you HAVE to buy her flowers, candy, chocolate and jewelry. And if you forget to do it, your girl won't speak to you for the next two weeks. Oh, did I mention dinner? Don't you dare forget that either! If you can't be here to take me out, I expect a phone call and roses sent to my place of work so all my co-workers can see what a GREAT guy you are.
Can I say lame? I don't like the idea of Valentines day. I don't like the expectations of it. I don't like the undue pressure guys have to be perfect on this day.
I will confess. This year I've actually wanted a guy to do something for me... but there isn't a guy to do it. So it was pointless wishing. And today I sat down to write something about Valentines day and it came out like this... pretty sarcastic and very disgusted with it all. Perhaps I wouldn't feel this way if I had a guy to be giddy over... who knows.
For those of you who lose yourself so much that you do something that has to do with this insane day, good for you! I hope your guy (or girl) likes it.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Bowl Tuesday
That is what I heard all night Sunday. All the guys cheering for the Giants. We had more guys than usual so that made it all the louder! It was pretty funny, actually.
Today is the day! To make a difference in America! You need to go vote. It's important.
If you can't decide who to vote for, you can always follow my example and vote for Ron Paul.
Super Tuesday. Super Bowl. Lots of supers this week. The Super Bowl. Did you watch it? Did you like who won?
I didn't watch it and I didn't care who won. I always cheer for whoever my Daddy is cheering for. I really don't even like football.
Goodness, you all should have come over. We had enough food to feed an army! Potato skins with creamed spinach, cheese dip and chips, hamburgers, sausage, chicken, and more. I can't really remember anything else. All I know is that I spent two days in the kitchen cleaning like crazy! I hate cleaning the kitchen.
The washer is fixed. Finally! I did not want to go the laundry mat again this week! I am so thankful to be able to wash clothes from our home. It's amazing! May I never take our washer and dryer for granted again!
That is what I heard all night Sunday. All the guys cheering for the Giants. We had more guys than usual so that made it all the louder! It was pretty funny, actually.
Today is the day! To make a difference in America! You need to go vote. It's important.
If you can't decide who to vote for, you can always follow my example and vote for Ron Paul.
Super Tuesday. Super Bowl. Lots of supers this week. The Super Bowl. Did you watch it? Did you like who won?
I didn't watch it and I didn't care who won. I always cheer for whoever my Daddy is cheering for. I really don't even like football.
Goodness, you all should have come over. We had enough food to feed an army! Potato skins with creamed spinach, cheese dip and chips, hamburgers, sausage, chicken, and more. I can't really remember anything else. All I know is that I spent two days in the kitchen cleaning like crazy! I hate cleaning the kitchen.
The washer is fixed. Finally! I did not want to go the laundry mat again this week! I am so thankful to be able to wash clothes from our home. It's amazing! May I never take our washer and dryer for granted again!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The all important February 5th is right around the corner! Don't forget to vote!
I cannot stress how important this is. This is a chance for you to make a difference. To let your voice be heard. And you need to take this opportunity to do so. You are the voice of America. If you don't speak, who will? And don't assume someone else will.
Yes, now is the time I tell you to vote for Ron Paul! I still think he is the best candidate. If you want to read his views on Debt and Taxes, Social Security or Veterans (and more) follow this link - http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/
Oh, yeah, if you aren't registered and thus can't vote in the primaries. Go register anyways! The November election will be here before you know it! Don't forget!
This is an excellent way for your children to learn geography. http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/
I've even done a few of the test myself and it's actually pretty fun. My younger brothers love it. They get to do something on the computer and it doesn't feel like homework or school!
That's all for today. Remember to thank the Lord for all of the wonderful ways He has blessed you. We take so much for granted.
I cannot stress how important this is. This is a chance for you to make a difference. To let your voice be heard. And you need to take this opportunity to do so. You are the voice of America. If you don't speak, who will? And don't assume someone else will.
Yes, now is the time I tell you to vote for Ron Paul! I still think he is the best candidate. If you want to read his views on Debt and Taxes, Social Security or Veterans (and more) follow this link - http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/
Oh, yeah, if you aren't registered and thus can't vote in the primaries. Go register anyways! The November election will be here before you know it! Don't forget!
This is an excellent way for your children to learn geography. http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/
I've even done a few of the test myself and it's actually pretty fun. My younger brothers love it. They get to do something on the computer and it doesn't feel like homework or school!
That's all for today. Remember to thank the Lord for all of the wonderful ways He has blessed you. We take so much for granted.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Cary Grant
The repair man came today. Our washer won't be fixed until the 5th! That means, I'm going to be going back to the laundry mat for the third week in a row! Insane. God is amazing. I am not nearly as worried or upset over it as I think the "old" Lydia would have been.
I'm not sure what I mean by "old", but I can tell the Lord is working in my life. He has been pruning me. Molding me. A lot these past couple weeks and I see my flesh (sinful nature) disappearing. Isn't God good?!
I watched 27 Dresses and didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. I don't recommend it, but I won't tell you not to watch it. It was cute, frustrating, funny, sad and.... I can't think of any other words. I probably won't watch it again.
I watched An Affair to Remember tonight. Not my first time watching it. Cary Grant is the picture of perfection in a man. So handsome! And I love his voice. Anyways, the movie made me cry at the end. It always does. It's so sad. You wonder why she didn't tell him to begin with and then I think about my own womanly pride and I understand! A and I were going to watch Sleepless in Seattle too, but I am getting tired and feel like going to bed. I'm not as young as I once was!!
I hope you all have had a great week. Every day I see the blessings the Lord has given me and am more and more thankful! He is wonderful. It is never too late to give Him praise.
I'm not sure what I mean by "old", but I can tell the Lord is working in my life. He has been pruning me. Molding me. A lot these past couple weeks and I see my flesh (sinful nature) disappearing. Isn't God good?!
I watched 27 Dresses and didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. I don't recommend it, but I won't tell you not to watch it. It was cute, frustrating, funny, sad and.... I can't think of any other words. I probably won't watch it again.
I watched An Affair to Remember tonight. Not my first time watching it. Cary Grant is the picture of perfection in a man. So handsome! And I love his voice. Anyways, the movie made me cry at the end. It always does. It's so sad. You wonder why she didn't tell him to begin with and then I think about my own womanly pride and I understand! A and I were going to watch Sleepless in Seattle too, but I am getting tired and feel like going to bed. I'm not as young as I once was!!
I hope you all have had a great week. Every day I see the blessings the Lord has given me and am more and more thankful! He is wonderful. It is never too late to give Him praise.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
If you come to my home to eat dinner with us, I can promise you will eat one of three things!
1. If you've been to our house a lot and you just feel like family, expect pizza! Wal-Mart Deli has the best!
2. If you've been here a few times, but not too many, Dad will cook his famous hamburgers to impress you. They are really good!
3. If it's your first time ever coming to our home (or if we deem you be of great importance!), we will serve you the BEST Parmesan Chicken ever.
That's what happened last night. We had a first time guest and I suppose I was hoping to do a little impressing myself. So with the chicken, we had a spinach salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and kalamata olives on the side; garlic mashed potatoes (A gets the credit for those!); homemade biscuits; green beans (seasoned with maple bacon); and to top it off, cheesecake for dessert! It was all very good!
So I'm going to do something I never do and share a recipe with you. It's for the chicken. It is so easy. I use boneless, skinless thighs (my boys love dark meat! But you can use breast if you prefer). Oh, and I don't really measure, so just hang in there!
Ingredients -
Enough chicken for your family! Thighs or Breast
Grated Parmesan cheese
Bread crumbs
Dried parsley flakes
Garlic powder (it's optional, sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't)
3 or 4 eggs (or less depends on the size of your family; yesterday I used 6)
Butter (can be used instead of the eggs; I've never done it that way though!)
Preheat oven to 350.
Wash and remove all fat from your chicken. Place in bowl or plate (helps with messes and keeping the kitchen clean!) and set aside.
In another bowl, mix your dry ingredients together. I use about 2 parts crumbs, 11/2 parts cheese and a half to 1 part of parsley and then just a little bit of garlic.
In yet another bowl beat eggs together (or melt the butter). Dip your chicken into the eggs (or butter) and coat with your parmesan mixture. Do that with all the chicken, place into a greased baking dish (I like to use the olive oil spray).
Bake uncovered for an hour.
And your done! Wow your friends and family with Parmesan Chicken!
One more thing, if you play Frank while cooking, time passes so quickly! He is a wonder in the kitchen!
1. If you've been to our house a lot and you just feel like family, expect pizza! Wal-Mart Deli has the best!
2. If you've been here a few times, but not too many, Dad will cook his famous hamburgers to impress you. They are really good!
3. If it's your first time ever coming to our home (or if we deem you be of great importance!), we will serve you the BEST Parmesan Chicken ever.
That's what happened last night. We had a first time guest and I suppose I was hoping to do a little impressing myself. So with the chicken, we had a spinach salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and kalamata olives on the side; garlic mashed potatoes (A gets the credit for those!); homemade biscuits; green beans (seasoned with maple bacon); and to top it off, cheesecake for dessert! It was all very good!
So I'm going to do something I never do and share a recipe with you. It's for the chicken. It is so easy. I use boneless, skinless thighs (my boys love dark meat! But you can use breast if you prefer). Oh, and I don't really measure, so just hang in there!
Ingredients -
Enough chicken for your family! Thighs or Breast
Grated Parmesan cheese
Bread crumbs
Dried parsley flakes
Garlic powder (it's optional, sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't)
3 or 4 eggs (or less depends on the size of your family; yesterday I used 6)
Butter (can be used instead of the eggs; I've never done it that way though!)
Preheat oven to 350.
Wash and remove all fat from your chicken. Place in bowl or plate (helps with messes and keeping the kitchen clean!) and set aside.
In another bowl, mix your dry ingredients together. I use about 2 parts crumbs, 11/2 parts cheese and a half to 1 part of parsley and then just a little bit of garlic.
In yet another bowl beat eggs together (or melt the butter). Dip your chicken into the eggs (or butter) and coat with your parmesan mixture. Do that with all the chicken, place into a greased baking dish (I like to use the olive oil spray).
Bake uncovered for an hour.
And your done! Wow your friends and family with Parmesan Chicken!
One more thing, if you play Frank while cooking, time passes so quickly! He is a wonder in the kitchen!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Pride and a Different Kind of Pride
You never stop learning... ok? Don't forget it either.
Pride is a nasty thing.
My girl friends are the BEST!!
Splitting wood is actually fun.
I still think you need to vote for Ron Paul. I really like him!
Guys are confusing. Exciting. Frustrating. And so much more. But please be careful not to read more into something than there is....
I love Nat King Cole. I got his "Best" cd for Christmas and love it.
This week I have drank coffee every day. Sometimes twice. Getting up at 4:30am, working out till about 5:30am and then going to back to bed till 7:30am and then spending all day working inside and outside of the house has been exhausting. But good. I kinda like it.
I've been reading my Bible every night since the first of this New Year. Every night God has spoken to me about something. It's been incredible.
Last night at church I was taking to a friend and he said often we read just a few verses and take it at that instead of reading the whole context to see just what the earthly author was trying to get across. He had a friend suggest to him to start with Matthew and read it all in one sitting. To do this 7 times in a row. Don't break it up into days or weeks. Sit down and read the whole book! And then to do that with every book in the New Testament. Then take the Old and read each book the same way (except for the 7 times; just read each book once). I wonder how different our take on the Scriptures would be if we did that.
I am hoping to watch 27 Dresses tomorrow. I'll be the only girl at home. A is going to a friends house. So I'm leaving the boys here!! ;-) I'm excited.
For those of you who got snow yesterday. I am truly happy for you. I'm so glad God blessed you with it!
Oh!!!!! This is very exciting! You won't believe it! I am..... *drum roll*.......... going to watch the only version of Pride and Prejudice that I haven't seen this weekend! Yay Netflix!
Pride is a nasty thing.
My girl friends are the BEST!!
Splitting wood is actually fun.
I still think you need to vote for Ron Paul. I really like him!
Guys are confusing. Exciting. Frustrating. And so much more. But please be careful not to read more into something than there is....
I love Nat King Cole. I got his "Best" cd for Christmas and love it.
This week I have drank coffee every day. Sometimes twice. Getting up at 4:30am, working out till about 5:30am and then going to back to bed till 7:30am and then spending all day working inside and outside of the house has been exhausting. But good. I kinda like it.
I've been reading my Bible every night since the first of this New Year. Every night God has spoken to me about something. It's been incredible.
Last night at church I was taking to a friend and he said often we read just a few verses and take it at that instead of reading the whole context to see just what the earthly author was trying to get across. He had a friend suggest to him to start with Matthew and read it all in one sitting. To do this 7 times in a row. Don't break it up into days or weeks. Sit down and read the whole book! And then to do that with every book in the New Testament. Then take the Old and read each book the same way (except for the 7 times; just read each book once). I wonder how different our take on the Scriptures would be if we did that.
I am hoping to watch 27 Dresses tomorrow. I'll be the only girl at home. A is going to a friends house. So I'm leaving the boys here!! ;-) I'm excited.
For those of you who got snow yesterday. I am truly happy for you. I'm so glad God blessed you with it!
Oh!!!!! This is very exciting! You won't believe it! I am..... *drum roll*.......... going to watch the only version of Pride and Prejudice that I haven't seen this weekend! Yay Netflix!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Holes, Cardio and Love
Our washing machine broke last week. The repair man can't come until the 25th of this month.... So A and I went to the laundry mat yesterday and we did 8 loads. Looks like we'll be going back today. The wonderful thing about the laundry mat is you can catch up on all your laundry in one day! Amazing, huh?
You can pray for my Dad. He has started the Biggest Loser workout videos and I'd like you pray he sticks with it. I'm really hoping that my doing it with him is going to be some motivation for him... Let me tell you, if you don't have time for the gym and want to do a quick 20 min workout, get one of those videos! They will work you like nothing else! We are doing the Cardio Max. And I am sore all over today!
Some of that is from digging a hole and splitting wood yesterday! I'm trying to get ready for the bonfire I'm going to have a week from this upcoming Saturday. I'll be chopping more wood today.
At church this past Sunday we did the Lord's Supper. I almost started crying. Sitting there thinking about His blood and His body that was shed and torn for my sin is overwhelming. I cannot imagine such a love.
You can pray for my Dad. He has started the Biggest Loser workout videos and I'd like you pray he sticks with it. I'm really hoping that my doing it with him is going to be some motivation for him... Let me tell you, if you don't have time for the gym and want to do a quick 20 min workout, get one of those videos! They will work you like nothing else! We are doing the Cardio Max. And I am sore all over today!
Some of that is from digging a hole and splitting wood yesterday! I'm trying to get ready for the bonfire I'm going to have a week from this upcoming Saturday. I'll be chopping more wood today.
At church this past Sunday we did the Lord's Supper. I almost started crying. Sitting there thinking about His blood and His body that was shed and torn for my sin is overwhelming. I cannot imagine such a love.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I'm voting for....
I cannot say how much I love Netflix. I get to watch all of the classic movies I want!! I love the 40's. I told my Dad I thought I had been born 40 years too soon! He just laughed at me.
We kiddos gave Dad an XM radio for Christmas. Guess what kind of music you can listen to on that thing?! The 40's! I love it!
Today we got a Netflix movie. It's called Hidden Places. Based on Lynn Austin's novel, Hidden Places. I liked the book way more than the movie. I kept telling my siblings what had happened in the book when they got something wrong or left something out in the movie. I don't think A really appreciated it! ;-) The boys didn't mind....
I am thinking about going back into the soap making business.
I love the smell of permanent markers. Rain. Freshly baked cookies (which reminds me... I need to do that tomorrow). And a lot of other things.
You need to vote in the upcoming primary elections! If you are registered you can vote! Your voice must be heard! Remember this date : February 5, 2008.
I'm voting for Ron Paul in the primary. Lord willing, I'll be voting for him in November.
If you are against the war in Iraq, vote for Paul. If you are for Homeschooling, vote for Paul. If you believe in the Second Amendent, vote for Paul. If you are Pro-life, vote for Paul.
You can read his views on these important issues and more by visiting his website : http://www.ronpaul2008.com/
If you want change in America, vote for Paul and pray that others will be stirred to vote for him as well.
We kiddos gave Dad an XM radio for Christmas. Guess what kind of music you can listen to on that thing?! The 40's! I love it!
Today we got a Netflix movie. It's called Hidden Places. Based on Lynn Austin's novel, Hidden Places. I liked the book way more than the movie. I kept telling my siblings what had happened in the book when they got something wrong or left something out in the movie. I don't think A really appreciated it! ;-) The boys didn't mind....
I am thinking about going back into the soap making business.
I love the smell of permanent markers. Rain. Freshly baked cookies (which reminds me... I need to do that tomorrow). And a lot of other things.
You need to vote in the upcoming primary elections! If you are registered you can vote! Your voice must be heard! Remember this date : February 5, 2008.
I'm voting for Ron Paul in the primary. Lord willing, I'll be voting for him in November.
If you are against the war in Iraq, vote for Paul. If you are for Homeschooling, vote for Paul. If you believe in the Second Amendent, vote for Paul. If you are Pro-life, vote for Paul.
You can read his views on these important issues and more by visiting his website : http://www.ronpaul2008.com/
If you want change in America, vote for Paul and pray that others will be stirred to vote for him as well.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Peter, James and Hair Salons
It is very amusing to see my local news station (on TV) go to hair salons to get the latest on problems like traffic and road construction.
Read James 5:16. It's true.
Last night I watched the original Ocean's 11. It has Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford and more. I've decided I love Peter Lawford. I think he is really handsome and I love his accent.
Dad is starting to put the hardwood floors into my room. I am so happy. I haven't had flooring in my room for two years! When we moved in we pulled up all of the carpet because the previous owners had inside cats and the carpet smelled. Not to mention, three of us are allergic to cats, so it had to be done.
We still have our tree up. It's beginning to annoy me. I really want to take it down. Anyone else still have their Christmas tree still up?
Read James 5:16. It's true.
Last night I watched the original Ocean's 11. It has Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford and more. I've decided I love Peter Lawford. I think he is really handsome and I love his accent.
Dad is starting to put the hardwood floors into my room. I am so happy. I haven't had flooring in my room for two years! When we moved in we pulled up all of the carpet because the previous owners had inside cats and the carpet smelled. Not to mention, three of us are allergic to cats, so it had to be done.
We still have our tree up. It's beginning to annoy me. I really want to take it down. Anyone else still have their Christmas tree still up?
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Help Save A Life
This little girl needs help! Do what the Lord leads you to do!
Major Kevin Jarrard is serving with the U.S. Marine Corps in Iraq. During his interactions with the local folks, he met a family with a sick little girl- Amina Ala Thabit (Amina), age 3. She needs immediate open-heart surgery in order to preserve her life. Kevin has been working on a plan to transport her to the United States for treatment. Our purpose here is to make friends and family members aware of the project's financial and prayer needs.
Major Kevin Jarrard is serving with the U.S. Marine Corps in Iraq. During his interactions with the local folks, he met a family with a sick little girl- Amina Ala Thabit (Amina), age 3. She needs immediate open-heart surgery in order to preserve her life. Kevin has been working on a plan to transport her to the United States for treatment. Our purpose here is to make friends and family members aware of the project's financial and prayer needs.
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