Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cary Grant

The repair man came today. Our washer won't be fixed until the 5th! That means, I'm going to be going back to the laundry mat for the third week in a row! Insane. God is amazing. I am not nearly as worried or upset over it as I think the "old" Lydia would have been.

I'm not sure what I mean by "old", but I can tell the Lord is working in my life. He has been pruning me. Molding me. A lot these past couple weeks and I see my flesh (sinful nature) disappearing. Isn't God good?!

I watched 27 Dresses and didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. I don't recommend it, but I won't tell you not to watch it. It was cute, frustrating, funny, sad and.... I can't think of any other words. I probably won't watch it again.

I watched An Affair to Remember tonight. Not my first time watching it. Cary Grant is the picture of perfection in a man. So handsome! And I love his voice. Anyways, the movie made me cry at the end. It always does. It's so sad. You wonder why she didn't tell him to begin with and then I think about my own womanly pride and I understand! A and I were going to watch Sleepless in Seattle too, but I am getting tired and feel like going to bed. I'm not as young as I once was!!

I hope you all have had a great week. Every day I see the blessings the Lord has given me and am more and more thankful! He is wonderful. It is never too late to give Him praise.

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