I've been sick. It was so weird. It started off as a sore throat, then went to chills (four blankets and two layers of clothing weren't enough to keep me warm) and a headache. The sore throat just got worse and to top it all off I got a cough. It was completely terrible; Bethany said it sounded like a smokers cough. Yeah.
But after a week of doing nothing but driving my siblings to and from work and drinking hot lemon water (no sugar or honey) I'm feeling much better. Still have a bit of a cough, but I'm not contagious and feel like myself.
Since I was sick I didn't do any cooking (that I remember) so since Sunday I have been cooking like crazy. I love reading food blogs. I love hearing the stories behind the recipes and seeing what other people have cooked.
Sunday I made Sweet Potato Soup. It was really good. I just boiled 6-8 potatoes, blended them with the water from boiling, poured them back in the pot; blended 8oz cream cheese, almonds, ginger and allspice with a little bit of my blended potatoes and then put that into the pot as well with a cup of brown sugar and then took my hand blender and blended everything until it was smooth. I did that because the cream cheese kinda clumped when I mixed it with the hot potatoes.
Last night I made spaghetti noodles, homemade spaghetti sauce (haha! made with canned diced tomatoes; it was almost like salsa) with maple sausage (I cooked it in maple syrup) and then cooked kale like you would greens.
Tonight I made green lentils topped with an almond sauce and cranberry meatballs with fresh homemade cranberry sauce (with just a bit of maple syrup) on the side.
The picture above is from tonight just for Bethany!! :)
I've also done some baking. I made cheesecake. It is in a cookie sheet and will be cut into small squares Friday for my Christmas party. I've also made a huge pan of Blondies. I've never made those before so hopefully they turn out.
I hope you all stay well. Being sick is no fun. And I hope you all cook something new and different! It's so much fun. Variety is the spice of life and life is too short to spend doing the same thing over and over!
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