Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yeah, I Like to Hide

I've noticed a trend. When life starts to get too hard to deal with I do one of two things (sometimes both).

1. I stop blogging

2. I block everyone from my reading list.

Doesn't make for a very good blogging author to say the least. It's almost been an exact month since I've blogged. Mr. Fail was part of my reason behind that.

I knew he was no good. I knew it would not be wise for me to go out with him. But the chemistry and the connection was so strong I didn't want to give it up.

How we now just call me Miss Fail-Wanna-Be? Well, I would give you permission, but I've had my own little personal revival. Jesus shot me with His Holy Ghost machine gun and I've been sticking close to him ever since.

Basically, expect more blog post and less blocking. :) Praise the Lord, right?!

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