Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Am Married and Alive

I've been thinking about blogging for a while now but every time I sat down to write nothing would come out. But, finally, here I am.

I'm married and have not fallen off the face of the earth. I'm still alive. :) I've been married for 41 days. I LOVE being married. I love not being eight hours apart and waiting months on end to see Adam. I love being with him.

But it's been hard for me. I've cried. I've been angry. I've been lonely. I've moved to a town where I know no one and the women in the church my age have to desire to introduce themselves to me. I don't understand churches who don't feel a need to welcome a stranger.
I have one friend and I believe she needs my friendship as much as I need hers. God provides.
I miss my family so much. I've never lived away from home and now I find it probably would have been beneficial for me to have spent some time on my own. I don't for a second regret the decision I made to stay home I'm just saying that it would have helped with the transition.

I don't yet have a job and it's afforded me plenty of time to watch TV shows I've really never watched before (Millionaire Matchmaker, NCIS, The Newlywed Game, etc, etc). I've spent so much time rearranging the house and trying to straighten and clean and do laundry! I wash dishes about twice a week. I wash towels once a week. I iron Adam's dress clothes all week. I have a lot to do but it's not near as much fun without someone(s) to boss around!

I have started a few projects. Mostly with wedding pictures and dressing up the frames a bit. It's simple, cheap and takes a perfectly good frame to a piece of beautiful art!

All you need is fancy scrapbook paper, clear tape, and a picture frame! Just cut the paper to fit the matting and tape together. I actually taped my picture to the paper as well so it wouldn't fall when I hung it up. And you're done!

Look at how ORANGE his beard looks! I love it. I hope my kids have red, red hair! :)

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