What a week. In the last week I have traveled to Toccoa; gone on a 2, 3 hour hike, jumped over a creek twice, and been snowed in in Athens. It was interesting to say the least.
Can I just say that sometimes I hate knowing other people actually read my blog because if I didn't know and if I thought that in some way I was "hidden" I would totally write stuff I don't want the whole world to know. I need a journal. I need to buy one and I need to start again.
I know you aren't supposed to announce to the world that you are fasting, but I need my frères and sœurs to pray for and with me. I am praying about going on a sabbatical. My dear, lovely friend Candace gave me the idea. I just love Candace. I am so thankful the Lord blessed me with her friendship. Anyways, I'm just not sure if this what the Lord desires me to do. I also would be fasting from a certain "thing" on top of the sabbatical. I just don't know. I need answers. I need peace that passes understanding. I need direction. I need the Lord to speak very, very clearly to me concerning this situation.
Can I just say that men are so freakin' weird?! Make up your mind already! And I really want to know WHY you told her that. It doesn't make sense.
The next two weekends I am going to be crazy, out of my mind busy! It will be insane. Hopefully I won't go insane! This weekend I am going on a youth trip with the youth group from my church as a youth counselor. Next weekend I am going to TN. And the weekend after that there is the possibility of going to Toccoa. Speaking of Toccoa. I am applying. I hope and pray I will be attending TFC in the Fall.
I am going to be in a wedding. No, I am not getting married. I am a bridesmaid. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I feel like the whole "once a bridesmaid, always a bridesmaid" is going to seem like a very strong truth in my life since there aren't any godly men interested in me. I guess I'm okay with that for now. Je ne sais pas.
I need to work on my Sociology. I'm done ranting. Hopefully my next blog will be a bit happier. Au revoir!
i think that if you opened yourself up to a different type of guy other guys would approach you but you've clearly labled what kinda guy you want and when he thinks he doesn't fit that profile he won't approach even if in your eyes he does fit your standards
Hi Coolguy! What exactly do you mean by open myself up to a different type of guy? What kind of label to you see that I've set as the standard for a guy? And how do I know if he thinks he doesn't fit that profile? Please enlighten me. I would love to know.
p.s. it's killing me not knowing who you are... so just one more question... do I know you in real life?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Movies in the Dark, Boys I've Liked and Basically a Bit of All of My Life Right Now
I mean, don't get me wrong. He was a very sweet, godly, good looking man (and just the way I like men - tall, muscular and skinny!) with blue eyes and blond hair (I'm ok with the blond hair, but two out of the last three guys I've had a crush on have had blackish-brownish hair with blue eyes... Apparently I like black hair, blue eyed men! I think I have a thing for blue eyes. I don't think I've ever liked a guy with brown eyes. Isn't that weird?!) and I liked him a lot. But it just wouldn't have worked. so basically what a guy gets out of that is that your looking for a very attractive guy i think a lot of the time women Fail to realize that guys are just as insecure about their looks as women so when guys hears or see's those types of things sometimes we take ourselves out of the running for a lady's heart here's a verse Isaiah 40:6-8
Sooo.... what you're saying is that my standards have more to do with how a guy looks than who he is in Christ?
If that is what you've gotten out of my blog then I am truly sorry. Please forgive me. Because the Lord has worked long and hard in my mind and heart to change my heart to desire a man who loves the Lord more than anything else in this world.
I will admit that I desire to be attracted to whoever I marry, but I fully understand beauty will fade (as your verse said).
I would have never guessed guys are insecure about their looks. When I look at guys they always seem in control and super confident.
You have given me a lot of food for thought my friend. Keep it coming.
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