A reader commented on my last post and asked how I feel now.... a year later after having premarital sex.
A lot has happened in one year.
And it may take a couple posts to bring my life up to date.
In the mean time, how I feel? Sometimes there is still pain, a lot of pain. But there is joy and I am healing.
Last summer I went to a therapist and she really helped me jump-start my healing process by showing me the Love of the LORD.
I also started a girls-only book club called WOP (Women of Purity) and we read Emotional Purity. I had read the book before but never truly realized how important it is to be emotionally pure. And they all helped me heal even more.
I also met a man. A good man. A man who desires to make a vow before GOD and man to protect, love, cherish and not to ever leave me.
Having premarital sex with a man who wanted nothing more than to check off "virgin" on his sexual quest list left me scarred and on major defense when it came to men.
Adam has had to break down walls and he's done it with such love and gentleness that I know it's from the Father of Love.
Adam and I are getting married in August and my heart sings with joy. God has blessed me and He's healing my wounds.
And I am thankful.