Saturday, July 4, 2009

Guest Bloggin'...

Wow. What an honor to be a guest blogger on Lydia's blog. 

I'm Bethany, Lydia's rarely-think-of-myself-as-older sister. It's an honor, really, to be related to Lydia and know that the same blood that runs through my veins is shared by her. That is a gift. 

Beyond the privilege of being family, Lydia is fabulous. Really, she is. Please. Let me brag about my sister. 

She has soul. She is seriously a sistah, you know, the kind that Claudia Mair Burney talks about in her books. Lydia may be freckled and blue-eyed, but deep down, the color of her soul is mocha. She has got sass and it makes that southern accent of hers get a little more ghetto. 

No one else can quite make me laugh like Lydia.  That girl can make me double-over and leave me gasping for air type of laughter. Lydia delights my heart in a way that completely is set apart from anyone else. To use her own words, she is "sooo stinkin' funny!!". If anyone thinks otherwise, get to know my sister, I dare you. 

She knows the heartbeat of my soul, the heartbeat of my mind. She is a prayer warrior like no one else, I know. She spends more time in the Word, more time on her knees, than anyone else I know - hands down. 

Lydia can make anything. Anything. Lydia walks into a kitchen, her fingers create magic in the form of food. Gourmet, come-back-beggin'-for-more, signature dishes. Enjoy her creations, take a second serving, but just don't ask for the recipe. She won't give it to you. She'll love you with food - absent the recipe attached to the dish. 

Her passions run deep as the ocean's waters, bold as a cup of Cary Grant coffee, and as rich as chocolate. That is my sister; but that is only the beginning. You can't simply summarize her, and walk away feeling like you gotten a full grasp of Lydia. That's simply silly. 

It is a sincere pleasure to be invited into her blog world. Lydia cherishes you, her readers. She talks about you; she lets her see you just as she is...So, to be invited to write alongside her, my goodness! It's a pleasure. I'm sure we will become good friends. If nothing else, because I will ride on the coattails of your devotion to Lydia. Which is fine - I'm completely okay with writing in the shadow of such a incredible woman. 


John Mark said...

YES FIRST COMMENT!!!! ok just to let all you other people who read this blog, i have that blood in my veins too......... now it may be different but is all 100% allen blood, the kind of blood that is red when it bleeds! yep i am related to her! get over it..,......

Anonymous said...

It is about time that you guest blogged. Great blog that paints an accurate picture of Lydia.

Lydia said...

So... you definitely made me cry. But you know me. I hate crying in front of people. I love you. I miss you. Thanks for everything you said. I feel so unworthy.

Mickey said...

Bethany, you have painted a beautifully accurate picture of your dear sister (or is it sista?!). I think she's pretty amazing, too!