Monday, June 15, 2009

Top 5


New music to share with friends (Meg, he's pretty amazing!

Dad's hamburgers (they are always different, but always amazing)

Being able to scare people (this is a huge blessing)

Fully loaded potatoes (man, I love good food!)

God giving me exactly what I need


Anonymous said...

yum! your dad's hamburgers ARE amazing!!! Caleb wants to learn to cook and I told him he should make burgers like your dad's! =)
Those were the best burgers I've EVER had! like no joke... you can tell him that too.. =)

Meg said...

I took a listen to Ben. Ooh, girl. He is goooood.

Lydia said...

Hannah - Dad reads my blog pretty regularly so I'm sure he saw your comment! I'll ask him just to make sure.

Meg - I am so glad you like him. I took a listen and knew you would like him!